~ °Café de Terrasse° ~

The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass.
~ Salut! Come and join me at Table #12 |Leaving so soon? Ecrivez-Moi! ~
As of right now, patrons have patronized me.
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08/25/2002 - 09/01/200209/01/2002 - 09/08/200209/08/2002 - 09/15/200209/15/2002 - 09/22/200209/22/2002 - 09/29/200209/29/2002 - 10/06/200210/06/2002 - 10/13/200210/13/2002 - 10/20/200210/20/2002 - 10/27/200210/27/2002 - 11/03/200211/03/2002 - 11/10/200211/10/2002 - 11/17/200211/17/2002 - 11/24/200211/24/2002 - 12/01/200212/01/2002 - 12/08/200212/08/2002 - 12/15/200212/15/2002 - 12/22/200212/22/2002 - 12/29/200212/29/2002 - 01/05/200301/05/2003 - 01/12/200301/12/2003 - 01/19/200301/19/2003 - 01/26/200301/26/2003 - 02/02/200302/02/2003 - 02/09/200302/09/2003 - 02/16/200302/16/2003 - 02/23/200302/23/2003 - 03/02/200303/02/2003 - 03/09/200303/09/2003 - 03/16/200303/16/2003 - 03/23/200303/23/2003 - 03/30/200303/30/2003 - 04/06/200304/06/2003 - 04/13/200304/13/2003 - 04/20/200304/20/2003 - 04/27/200304/27/2003 - 05/04/200305/04/2003 - 05/11/200305/11/2003 - 05/18/200305/18/2003 - 05/25/200305/25/2003 - 06/01/200306/01/2003 - 06/08/200306/08/2003 - 06/15/200306/15/2003 - 06/22/200306/22/2003 - 06/29/200306/29/2003 - 07/06/200307/06/2003 - 07/13/200307/13/2003 - 07/20/200307/20/2003 - 07/27/200307/27/2003 - 08/03/200308/03/2003 - 08/10/200308/10/2003 - 08/17/200308/17/2003 - 08/24/200308/24/2003 - 08/31/200308/31/2003 - 09/07/200309/07/2003 - 09/14/200309/14/2003 - 09/21/200309/21/2003 - 09/28/200309/28/2003 - 10/05/200310/05/2003 - 10/12/200310/12/2003 - 10/19/200310/19/2003 - 10/26/200310/26/2003 - 11/02/200311/02/2003 - 11/09/200311/16/2003 - 11/23/200311/23/2003 - 11/30/200311/30/2003 - 12/07/200312/07/2003 - 12/14/200312/14/2003 - 12/21/200312/21/2003 - 12/28/200312/28/2003 - 01/04/200401/04/2004 - 01/11/200401/11/2004 - 01/18/200401/18/2004 - 01/25/200401/25/2004 - 02/01/200402/01/2004 - 02/08/200402/08/2004 - 02/15/200402/15/2004 - 02/22/200402/22/2004 - 02/29/200402/29/2004 - 03/07/200403/07/2004 - 03/14/200403/14/2004 - 03/21/200403/21/2004 - 03/28/200403/28/2004 - 04/04/200404/04/2004 - 04/11/200404/11/2004 - 04/18/200404/18/2004 - 04/25/200404/25/2004 - 05/02/200405/02/2004 - 05/09/200405/09/2004 - 05/16/200405/16/2004 - 05/23/200405/23/2004 - 05/30/200405/30/2004 - 06/06/200406/06/2004 - 06/13/200406/13/2004 - 06/20/200406/20/2004 - 06/27/200406/27/2004 - 07/04/200407/04/2004 - 07/11/200407/18/2004 - 07/25/200408/08/2004 - 08/15/200408/15/2004 - 08/22/200408/22/2004 - 08/29/200408/29/2004 - 09/05/200409/05/2004 - 09/12/200409/12/2004 - 09/19/200409/19/2004 - 09/26/200409/26/2004 - 10/03/200410/03/2004 - 10/10/200410/10/2004 - 10/17/200410/17/2004 - 10/24/200410/24/2004 - 10/31/200410/31/2004 - 11/07/200411/07/2004 - 11/14/200411/14/2004 - 11/21/200411/21/2004 - 11/28/200411/28/2004 - 12/05/200412/05/2004 - 12/12/200412/12/2004 - 12/19/200412/19/2004 - 12/26/200401/02/2005 - 01/09/200501/09/2005 - 01/16/200501/16/2005 - 01/23/200501/23/2005 - 01/30/200502/06/2005 - 02/13/200502/13/2005 - 02/20/200502/20/2005 - 02/27/200503/06/2005 - 03/13/200503/13/2005 - 03/20/200503/20/2005 - 03/27/200503/27/2005 - 04/03/200504/10/2005 - 04/17/200504/17/2005 - 04/24/200504/24/2005 - 05/01/200505/01/2005 - 05/08/200505/15/2005 - 05/22/200505/22/2005 - 05/29/200505/29/2005 - 06/05/200506/05/2005 - 06/12/200506/12/2005 - 06/19/200506/26/2005 - 07/03/200507/03/2005 - 07/10/200507/10/2005 - 07/17/200507/17/2005 - 07/24/200507/24/2005 - 07/31/200507/31/2005 - 08/07/200509/04/2005 - 09/11/200509/11/2005 - 09/18/200509/25/2005 - 10/02/200510/02/2005 - 10/09/200510/09/2005 - 10/16/200510/16/2005 - 10/23/200510/30/2005 - 11/06/200511/06/2005 - 11/13/200511/20/2005 - 11/27/200511/27/2005 - 12/04/200512/04/2005 - 12/11/200512/18/2005 - 12/25/200512/25/2005 - 01/01/200601/08/2006 - 01/15/200601/22/2006 - 01/29/200601/29/2006 - 02/05/200602/26/2006 - 03/05/200603/26/2006 - 04/02/200604/02/2006 - 04/09/200604/09/2006 - 04/16/200604/16/2006 - 04/23/200604/30/2006 - 05/07/200605/14/2006 - 05/21/200605/21/2006 - 05/28/200605/28/2006 - 06/04/200606/11/2006 - 06/18/200606/25/2006 - 07/02/200607/02/2006 - 07/09/200607/09/2006 - 07/16/200607/16/2006 - 07/23/200607/23/2006 - 07/30/200607/30/2006 - 08/06/200608/06/2006 - 08/13/200608/13/2006 - 08/20/200608/20/2006 - 08/27/200608/27/2006 - 09/03/200609/03/2006 - 09/10/200609/10/2006 - 09/17/200609/17/2006 - 09/24/200610/01/2006 - 10/08/200610/08/2006 - 10/15/200610/15/2006 - 10/22/200611/05/2006 - 11/12/200611/12/2006 - 11/19/200611/19/2006 - 11/26/200611/26/2006 - 12/03/200612/03/2006 - 12/10/200612/24/2006 - 12/31/200601/07/2007 - 01/14/200701/14/2007 - 01/21/200701/28/2007 - 02/04/200702/18/2007 - 02/25/200703/25/2007 - 04/01/200707/08/2007 - 07/15/200710/14/2007 - 10/21/200712/16/2007 - 12/23/200702/03/2008 - 02/10/2008
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~ you think you're helping me but you're just making things worse. torture. ~
~ Archives ~

~ dimanche, février 03, 2008 ~

Yay, If you're reading this, that means Megan has found my blog!!! =)

~Benjamin 2/03/2008 11:18:00 PM
~ dimanche, décembre 16, 2007 ~

How beautiful she is!
Her eyes are doves.
Her lips are like a scarlet ribbon.
her mouth is lovely.
How delightful she is.

~Benjamin 12/16/2007 11:53:00 AM
~ mardi, octobre 16, 2007 ~
Because life changes and you might as well go along with it...
wow... so this blog is just about dead, aye? i guess it is about that time.

life is going well for me. my 22nd birthday just past a few days ago and gee, i'm old.
i'm going to be graduating in a few months. soon i'll be either finding a job or, more realistically, applying for missionary/peace corps-type work for a year or two or three.
i really need to make more money so that i can go to Viet Nam again next Summer... maybe even for a two-month stint. That would be sweeeet.

religious vocation? i'm still where i was a year ago... unsure and unrushed.
career? seeking opportunities and examining my options.
relationship? single and looking
health? made a new years resolution (after my b-day) to start working out
politics? still moderate.. with a liberal leaning.
living situation? i live with good friends who i'll miss terribly (in a manly way) once the year comes to a close.

soon phase 3 of my life will end... and phase 4 will begin.. but there will be some overlap... thankfully. big steps are worth taking if i want to go far.

~Benjamin 10/16/2007 02:39:00 AM
~ dimanche, juillet 08, 2007 ~
Vietnam is a very beautiful country with very beautiful people...

~Benjamin 7/08/2007 07:25:00 AM
~ mercredi, mars 28, 2007 ~
Spring Break MTV

I had a pretty uneventful Spring Break.. stayed in Davis and worked mostly. It's nice being paid more and having more labor hours but it's not the most exciting job being behind a desk...
I kinda wish I had gone to Yosemite... seemed like everybody had a great time... lotsa bonding from what I hear. Yet, even though I feel a bit regretful, I think I made the right decision not to go.
I'm really trying hard to save money because I reallyyy want to go to Vietnam this summer and I need the funds to make it happen. So I'm cutting back on eating out, I'm working more hours, I'm actually taking on work projects, and I'm saving more and shopping less. .. heck, I'm gonna cancel one of my credit cards.
I don't think I'm going to go to Spring Retreat this year... but it's not just because of $$.. there's other stuff I have to attend to.

And then... there's the tension factor. It would have been just a bit awkward being around some people. Some people aren't the same anymore... changing feelings = changing behavior. I got a voicemail Sunday afternoon from someone at Yosemite... weirddd... the person was like, "we got a lot of things to discuss." Well, I don't want to discuss those things anymore. I think I'm done. The past is painful and the future isn't looking very appealing knowing that I'm gonna be losing people in my life.
la la lalalala live for today.

So as of lately, there's this new person in the picture... and now I most certainly don't know anymore. What the heck is happening? Spring is in the air... they say that it's a time of romance and love. freakin.
Mon coeur a encore de la peine en savant que le passé était avec quelqu'une pero nawala sia kasi sia ay iniwala ko.

~Benjamin 3/28/2007 01:37:00 AM
~ samedi, février 24, 2007 ~
~Filipino (Tagalog, Ilocano, Pangasinaan, Kapangpangan)~
~Thai (Northern & Central)~
~Chinese (Cantonese, Hunan, Zhejiang, Szechuan)~
~Japanese (Washoku)~
~Vietnamese (Southern)~
~Fusion (Californian)~
~Southern Comfort/Soul Food~
~Italian (Coastal Southern)/Sicilian~
~Latin American (varied)~

~Benjamin 2/24/2007 10:50:00 AM

I'm quite fed up of people telling me to get over it. What the freak do these people think I've been trying to do for the past few months now.

So now there's this new person in the picture. I'm not ready for a romantic relationship.. I really don't think I am... and I don't think she is either. But she persists.. and I really don't wanna break her heart... plus, I think we're starting to get a bit too physical for our own good.. it's nice, but it's uncomfortable sometimes.
Gahhh, I'm not used to this... heartbreaking... unlike some people.

a relationship is like a cookie. Some are chewy and easy to bite... others are hard and crunchy. When you dip it into the milk of insecurity, the cookie crumbles soggily into the bottom of life's glass. This is what happens when you add too much of the brown sugar of affection or bake the cookie in the oven of over-enthusiasm. There aint nothin more soggy than the cookie in a glass of milk


~Benjamin 2/24/2007 10:30:00 AM
~ mardi, janvier 30, 2007 ~
  1. Love is long suffering,
  2. love is kind,
  3. it is NOT JEALOUS,
  4. love does not boast,
  5. it is not inflated.
  6. It is not discourteous,
  7. it is NOT SELFISH,
  8. it is not irritable,
  9. it does not enumerate the evil.
  10. It does not rejoice over the wrong, but rejoices in the truth
  11. It covers all things,
  12. it has faith for all things,
  13. it HOPES in all things,
  14. it ENDURES in all things.

~Benjamin 1/30/2007 11:41:00 PM

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