~ samedi, août 06, 2005 ~
There aint nothin like family.. let me tell you that. They're all sleeping in my living room right now... its an interesting sight. I don't really have anything to blog about.. I just figured it might be a month before I can blog back in here... I will try when I can but I can't promise nothin... I leave for Florida on the 16th of August... and I return to Davis in the beginning of September. I won't have internet so I might be bored out of my mind so please call my mobile device throughout the coming month!! Have a wonderful Summer, by the way & I'll see you all aroun'! ciao!
~Benjamin 8/06/2005 11:54:00 PM
~ vendredi, août 05, 2005 ~
I am a sad sad boy but I do love my job. I guess it is pretty unprofessional to be playing flirt with the females on my tours.. but its pretty fun... hehehe.. I really would like to see what comments this one chick put about me on the visitor survey cards... prolly wrote that she got a really hot tour guide and thats why she's choosing to come to UCD... haha juuust kidding.. Wow, did I just type that? crazyyy. I better start watchin myself.. those are high school seniors & parents! I have to project the image of Ben the professional tour guide.. not Chester the molester. Tour guiding gives me that extra boost of confidence especially when I need it most oh gosh, now I sound like a male enhancement commercial.. but it's true... there's something about walking backwards in front of 25-person groups and just talking... knowing what to say, joking around with them making them laugh, and just being there to present my campus and my life at UCDavis. It's an awesomme feeling... I'm no longer attention-deprived.. just totally in control of everything.. they are MY tours.. and the people who take them are MY people... and I'm responsible for taking them around MY school. They're like two-hour presentations. I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it!! Oh my goodness, recently, it's been so hot around Davis that some lady collapsed from the heat on one of the tours.. not mine, thank goodness. What would I have done? I'd honestly be scared. So I gave my last tour of the Summer today.. and it was a lot of fun.. twas a good group! My poor friend Aubree got stuck with a bad tour after mine tho... sorry i took your good group, Aubree! (..or am i???). I had lots of out-of-staters too.. Coloradoians (is that what they're called?), Pennsylvanians, Delawarians, and this one girl from North Carolina who had the funnest accent (i wonder if thats what Sonya sounds like now.)
sigh* I do love my tours.
~Benjamin 8/05/2005 11:57:00 AM