~ jeudi, janvier 06, 2005 ~
I was at the bus stop this afternoon and a randoum young man came up to me and started talking to me. He was the weirdest character I've encountered in my life... and I've encountered some pretty weird people in my day. At first he shared simple facts about his physics class, then he asked me if I wanted to press the button on his heat pack (whatever that meant). He wouldn't stop talking but I didn't wanna brush him off because as lame as I am, I thought maybe I was on a hidden camera show... maybe Boiling Points or something... but this guy was totally... there's no way to describe the things he was saying. He talked about growing the best orchids in the world and selling them for thousands of dollars on ebay. Then he told me about how when people retire, sometimes they have nothing left to live for except orchids. He told me that he has surpassed levels of knowledge and is now a wise man... a 19-yr old wise man. He said that he is not afraid of death because he has already died many times and has been re-incarnated from creature to creature... that he has already been judged by our Lord God Almighty and that he has "been to the other side". But he points out that he is a strong Roman Catholic.
I think this guy is either completely out of it or he just knows something that nobody else knows. He knew all these randoum facts and claims to have discouvered everything there needs to be known about the world but he didn't know why busses opened their doors before crossing railroad tracks. Oh, and he got off the bus in the most randoumest spot too. The thing is that if he really truly didn't believe in what he was saying, I'd say he was a pretty darn good actor.
I've met oodles of weird people at bus stops... like in Duarte, a man gave me a dollar for no apparent reason... just gave it to me, showed me the eagle clutching the olive branch, asked me to think hard about it, then got on a bus and left. Oh, and on another bus stop, an elderly lady walked up to me and asked if she could have a hug. So I gave her a hug. She didn't let go for a whole minute, then said thank you and walked away. At another bus stop, a really old Japanese man with seriously no teeth came up to me and asked if I spoke Japanese. He saw my high school French book and asked if he could have it. I told him that it belonged to the school. He took my book from my hands, opened it, and flipped through pages as if he was trying to find something. Finally, he pointed at a randoum picture, smiled, and started speaking to me in Japanese... I had no idea what he was talking about but he kept talking and talking before giving me one last smile and then he got on a bus and left.
Bus stops are interesting spots with interesting people waiting in what seems to be a vortex of time. There's no place to go and nothing to do but wait. Maybe all that waiting makes people crazy, I don't really know... but I think these people aren't always as crazy as we think. But who knows, I'm not a wise man... yet.
~Benjamin 1/06/2005 05:44:00 PM
~ mercredi, janvier 05, 2005 ~
viva la mexico!
i've decided that i need to learn some spanish... enough to get by in order to go back to Mexico again... and i need to learn to prepare mexican food too... tamales, posole, enchiladas, carne adobada, & salsa.... speaking of which, I want to learn how to dance the salsa...
all this from my trip to Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico during the vacation. I honestly believe that was one of the most powerful trips I have ever taken in my entire life. To build a house and a home for an impoverished family and to be a part of them... it was a really touching experience. And what better group to share that experience with than Newman. I think I've grown a greater appreciation for Newmanites and I feel that I can be a little more open with a lot of them.
Speaking of open, that's one of my New Years resolutions this year... to open up more to people and work on not being afraid of who I am. It's time I think, to really get out there and be a part of everything. I pray for the courage to live a richer life and I by the Grace of God, may I be a more involved member of society.
~Benjamin 1/05/2005 10:39:00 PM