~ °Café de Terrasse° ~

The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass.
~ Salut! Come and join me at Table #12 |Leaving so soon? Ecrivez-Moi! ~
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~ Archives ~

~ jeudi, septembre 25, 2003 ~

I had my first college classes today... hella fun stuff dudes. Totally devilish. I went to a pep rally with a few Floor friends and it was cool... they threw free stuff into the crowds... socks, shirts, candy, and burritos. Yes, I got hit in the back with a burrito. It was weird but good stuff man, good stuff.
I really want to get involved in something so I joined the "Residence hall Advisory Board", which is a link between resident representatives and the main UCD Housing Department... they work to advise on ways to change living conditions. Last year, they succeeded in getting double-ply toilet paper for each bathroom!!! Cool stuff. And this year, we're gonna fight for our right to have pushpins in each room. Tomorrow, I'm going to join the "Student Review Board" - it's kindof like Student Judicial Affairs because we're going to be hearing real cases of dorm-room misdemeanors. And I might get into the ASUCD but I'm not sure if I'm ready for student government yet... we'll see. We shall see.

...oh, and a lot of work too.

~Benjamin 9/25/2003 11:13:00 PM
~ mercredi, septembre 24, 2003 ~
UCD aint that bad once you start to really get around to know people. I mean, some people are kindof annoying but they don't matter that much anyway. Anyway, everyone else I met is pretty cool. Still, i gotta complain about it... it's soo halla hot! I can't wait till the first rains. Then I'd go to the soc sci building, sit on a ledge, and chill. Yep, but i like No Cal. s'fun.
Classes begin tomorrow and so I guess college life is about to get pretty tough. My classes are so far from each other because this campus is sooo huuuge! It takes me over 17 mins to walk and get to the other side of it. I really need a bike. If any1 is thinking about applying to Davis, I really suggest a bicycle... u just might need it. But if you like small towns and nice people; minimal crime and open space; a liberal atmosphere and toned leg muscles, then go to Davis. Just be careful of the cows!!! They smell at night... but not too bad. I think the campus reputation of smelly cows is all very exaggerated... most of the time, you can't smell them at all. But be careful of the cows because I hear they are vicious creatures up here... could ram you or something. Anyway, I have some business about my classes to take care of right now so I'll blog later. G'buy!

~Benjamin 9/24/2003 04:58:00 PM
~ lundi, septembre 22, 2003 ~
The thing about UCDavis is that you can be comfortable no matter where you are. Today is my second ever day in college and I have sooo much free time on my hands... I love meeting new people! I wasn't really as nervous as I thought I was. That's the other thing about this campus. Everybody really is very friendly and you really don't have to go far to find a friend. That's the truth. Yesterday, after we all moved in, a group of girls went around the floor to say hi and meet their neighbors. That prompted my roomies and I to copy them and meet the people in the building. It's really neat because that prompted other people and before you know it, the Tercero D building was like one happy family in one happy house. Ok, maybe I over-exaggerated that a bit but the people around really are nice. My roomates are wonderful.. Thank God they're not attitudal punks. They're intresting and are willing to go out and be social. Across the hall, there're these two girls... Jessica (she's half French!!!) and Merril... they are soo nice too... always smiling and very =) . Next door is Sonny & Jeff... I find them rather agreeable. Anyway, I'll talk about all of them later... for now let me say that my experiences so far have been delightful and helpful. Today, I explored the campus a little more and got lost with Adam. We went over to Davis and ate at Ruju's Indian Cuisine. Interesting food... absolutely delicious... the curry was mmmmmm! Then we went around MU and some people with fliers grabbed me, threw me around, and I signed a few papers that... I dun even know what they are... Filipino clubs, Christian groups... what not... I just signed everything I saw. haha... probably not a good idea. So now I've been invited to ice cream socials and bbq's and stuff... I don't know if I'm going to go to these things but it's not like I have anything better to do anyway.
So I saw Lisa once yesterday but I was in a hurry so I didn't have all that much time to talk to her. I saw Anna on Saturday and I helped set up her bed a little bit and that's the last time I saw her... I wonder if she's online now. Today, I was at Trudy's and Venessa was there... that was chouette because she's like, someone I haven't talked to except maybe twice this summer... but she lives in the same building as Lisa and I'll hang out with them when I visit Segundo... tonight or tomorrow. Ok, well I better be off... people around here are having trouble connecting to the internet... I'mma see what the probleme is.

Oh and another thing, people around here are hella nice but they use the word "hella" A LOT. It's always hella this and hella that. haha... eeenteresting.

~Benjamin 9/22/2003 02:36:00 PM

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En memoire de Floy Catabas (1932-2002)