~ °Café de Terrasse° ~The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass. | |
~ Salut! Come and join me at Table #12 |Leaving so soon? Ecrivez-Moi! ~ | |
~ samedi, avril 19, 2003 ~ Only a month and a half or so before classes conclude. For all the Seniors out there, this is a crucial time. Time is of the essence. Essence of what? It depends on what you find essential. Finish this phrase: "In High School, I spend most of my time_____________ because I am _________________." What a small world it is we live in, isn't it? On Thursday, I was with my friends Sonya, Lauren, Amber, & Lindsay by the fontagne at the Duarte City Hall. We were talking about hometowns and such and I happened to find out that Lindsay and I are both from Los Angeles! Then I was shocked to find out yesterday that we both lived on North Kensington Road near Echo Park!!! Of course, we didn't know each other at the time... we were really young... but wow!!! I still can't believe it. We might have known each other as babies or something. She's my neighbour.~ mercredi, avril 16, 2003 ~ Awww... Nice Try, Reggie It's interesting the way a person's philosophy changes when they touch love. When that special someone does something towards somebody, that somebody automatically sees it as if they do it because they like you too. It's odd. Sometimes, you think you have a chance with someone just because they have a chance with you. Hmmm... Have you ever thought that if you didn't like her, those hugs and smiles would probably be just friendly gestures? Mais non. You like her so everything she does seems to be all a hint that she likes you back. Hehe... you're probably lost. Well, I've just been thinking. C'est ça.~ mardi, avril 15, 2003 ~ I can't believe a person could be suspended from school for three days for being hit by someone. It was technically a self-defence thing. Hmmm... I really detest airport police with their Los Angeles attitudes. Sheesh. "Get this car out of here sir, or I will get it out myself. Do you want me to arrest you because I will." Oh shut up. Well, oh well. What can I say? I still love the airport. It's one of my most favorite places ever. I sat in a chair on the second level behind a large window overlooking the airplane parking lot. C'etait très interresant to see planes pulling in and out of the parking spaces. Hmmm... I wonder what it would be like if a plane had to parallel park. I don't think they do that though. But if they did... Hmmm... Anyway, from my spot overlooking the airplane parking lot, I caught a glimpse of some interesting people. The French were as lost as ever... They kept standing in the wrong lines. I await the time one will ask me for directions so I can say "La borne est située vers votre gauche.". I don't understand how they could be so lost. Charles De Gaulle Airport isn't all that easy to get around eithre. Anyway, there were British people with their chouette accents. I like standing next to them just to hear them speak. They have some crazy styles too...almost as crazy as the Canadians but not sooo explosive. The Filipinos are loud haha. They occupy about 1/4 of the terminal with their cartloads of Balikbayan boxes. Haha... if you go up to the expensive food court section, you could see them all eating their home-made adobo and rice... not that they are cheap... just debrouillard. Oh- the Mexicans are an interesting bunch. In that section of the airport, there is a sea of cowboy hats. I'm not trying to be racist or anything... these are all real observations at LAX. LOL... my mother is responsible for breaking the escalator at LAX! It's a looong story but it involves a cart full of luggage and the glass sides of the escalator. Sheesh.~ lundi, avril 14, 2003 ~ We had a wonderful Français III study group this afternoon, even though many studyees were soaking wet. Oh well, c'est la vie. Anyway, I just came from the airport... I got to speak French again. Well I'm tired... I'm going off to bed... blog later!
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