~ °Café de Terrasse° ~

The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass.
~ Salut! Come and join me at Table #12 |Leaving so soon? Ecrivez-Moi! ~
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~ you think you're helping me but you're just making things worse. torture. ~
~ Archives ~

~ samedi, mai 10, 2003 ~

Aie... friend of mine walked into class yesterday with a stain on his shirt. My fellow peers and I just kept staring at it until someone made it public by saying, "Carlitos, your nipple is bleeding." He ran out of the room with a tissue in one hand and a reciept in the other. Honestly, I cannot undestand why anybody would ever do that there. I could understand the puncturing of holes in ears, navels, tongues, and other stuff... but what in goodness would ever possess someone to pierce their pink nurple? I wonder what happens when it's cold outside.

~Benjamin 5/10/2003 01:22:00 PM
~ vendredi, mai 09, 2003 ~
I drove down to the City of Angels this afternoon and went back in time. I saw my birthplace- Queen of Angels Hospital, where I got myself into this mess, haha. I passed by Echo Park. It was actually beautiful tonight because the dim neon lights around the park really brought out the gleam across the water's surface. The grass is still green! So I kept driving trying to find my former house on Kensington but I didn't remember where it was and the map I had drawn in my personal journal wasn't as accurate as I thought. So I kept driving around... wow, it can get terribly congested on the streets there. I drove like a Frenchman... I just barely made it around the cars, weaving literally centimetres from the cars around me. I almost crashed on three occasions. There's something about the semi-residential areas of northern Los Angeles that remind me of a combination of Paris, San Francisco, Mexico City, and Manila. It was like travelling in a foreign country. It seemed rather lonely though because I looked into a café and found nobody there but a barman and a drinker guy talking about some serious mattres. It was like a neighborhood café. There was a store, a church, and a café on seemingly every rue corner. What would happen if I hadn't moved to Duarte? I'd probably still be living around there. I would maybe have "streetsmarts" too. Hehe... I can't believe I got out of my car in front of some rough looking hoodlums to check the headlights. My experience overall was a highly intriguing, semi-nostalgic one.
So, dear readers, where are you from? Please click on the comment link below and share with us, your birthplace and your hometown!

~Benjamin 5/09/2003 10:34:00 PM
~ mercredi, mai 07, 2003 ~
"Don't you get it!? If you're calling her a dumb f*ckin' bitch and she's calling you a dumb f*ckin bitch, well then I'm sorry but you're both dumb f*ckin bitches."
Hehe, I'm sorry. Please excuse the profanity but I had to post that because I found it a bit humerous, especially the fact that it came from a teacher. Goodness. There was 'drahma' in one of my classes today... right in front of all of my peers! Goodness, and to think that they were such good friends in the beginning of the year! Sheesh. We all lose friends and we make them... but still, it's soo hard to find good friends these days. Or rather, it's easy to find them but hard to know that you've found them. How many people reading this can honestly fill in the blank- "My best friend is ____________." Can you? If so, please fill in the blank by clicking the comment link below and sending an anonymous comment with a single name. Thank you!

~Benjamin 5/07/2003 07:24:00 PM
~ mardi, mai 06, 2003 ~
I took the AP French Language Test today. I've never realized how... bad I was in French. That test for me was a complete disaster. My mind was out of it. All I remember was hearing the word "Bonjour" and my mind went blank. My prediction is that I got a 1 on the test but perhaps I may be lucky enough to get a 2. (Lower your expectations... it eithre prepares you for much joy or spares you much sorrow.) I have one more AP Exam to take- AP Government. Well enough about me, what about you? If you have taken any AP exam or are preparing to do so, please do share with us, your experiences by commenting on this post. Even if I do not know you, just click on the link below and fill out the information boxes. Thank you!

~Benjamin 5/06/2003 05:45:00 PM
~ lundi, mai 05, 2003 ~
Today I took the Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition Examination. It didn't seem that difficult but I'm still not to sure I passed it. Last year's seemed harder but I barely passed that one with a 3. Anyway, i went on an adventure after my test today with my friends Lisa, Natalie, and Sonya. I got to thinking... why do I seem to always be the only guy going on these excursions with three other girls? It never really hit me until now when I sortof felt out of place in a totally feminine atmosphere. I remembered how I used to go on excursions with Andréa, Aradhana, and Lucille last year. Then it was Fatima, Victoria, and Sonya. Now I catch myself going on escapades with Natalie, Sonya, and always a third person. I haven't had any real female friends since preschool. There is something about having girls as friends that is rather relieving because you can talk to them about things that guys just dont share. Like cooking tips and hair... Am I abnormal?
No, I just got in touch with...
Alright, wait, no. I totally lost my train of thought. I just got off the phone with some Army recruiter guy. Hmmm... he just scheduled an appointment for me to meet with him this Thursday so that I can enlist. I don't know how the heck I get myself into these situations! Sheesh. Let me see if I can cancel the appointment because although I'm open to joining the military at one future point in my life, by golly, not yet... just not yet.

~Benjamin 5/05/2003 06:10:00 PM
~ dimanche, mai 04, 2003 ~
I think some people go a bit too far in the things they say. I'm not always serious because I sure don't like to be a "kill-joy" or a "straight-face" but sometimes, it bothers me the way people talk. Sometimes, sarcasm just goes too far. I can handle some forms of aggressive sarcasm from some ppl but when it comes from my best friends, it doesn't feel right. It just hurts. It's not supposed to bother me but it does. If someone has a problem with me or the things I do, I'd prefer being criticized, but not cynicized. It doesn't feel too good when people make a big deal of my flaws for a few laughs. It's like, I'm lower than them in a way. When I get verbally attacked, I try to walk away when I can't handle it. Because I know that if I don't, I'll get all defensive and I just wanna attack them back and I usually end up hurting them in return. When it comes to the people I love especially, it's makes our relationships unhealthy. I admit that I'm rather insecure about some things but believe me, I'm trying to change. And those of you who know me most, know that i'm trying to improve myself in some ways. But when people bring up my insecurities in a way that they just want a few laughs, i feel as though i can't change. I feel like they don't respect me and my efforts. I don't need that. I don't want that. I need people who believe that I can change for the better. That's all i really have to say right now. I gotta get back to my AP studying. G'night evryone!

~Benjamin 5/04/2003 01:02:00 AM

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En memoire de Floy Catabas (1932-2002)