~ vendredi, juillet 18, 2003 ~
I won't be around for a while... I'm off to stay in Riverside for the weekend. Ah, you know Riverside, California: an original European idea with a Mexican twist. I'm attending some sort of youth retreat thing... it's always a good thing to learn more about one's faith. I just hope it's not full of immature pubescent difficiles who had no choice.
Yesterday, I decided to take an afternoon summer stroll. That was the worst idea I've had all season. I was attacked by a swarm of blood-lusting beasts that chased me down Tannencrest Avenue. Then a big burly bumblebee came at me so I hit it with my book and it got angry and I had to run through a neighbor's sprinklers. Confounded critters!
In academia news, I knew i would get a one on the AP French exam so no surprise there. I just wish I had received a higher AP Government score. Oh well, a 3 is a 3 and passing is passing so I'm fairly content.
I spent so much time in my kitchen today- baking yet another one of my culinary inventions. It's a super chocolaty cake-brownie-muffin-cookie thing. I don't know what to call it yet but it was a huge success. It's soft and gooey and crunchy and luscious. I just wish I had wrote down the ingredients but I didn't. Darndit.
Anyway, it has been a nice day today. Sonya & Lisa must be having the time of their lives in Mission Viejo, California. Justin, I'm sure, will be having a blast in "San Francisco". And David esta teniendo un buen rato en México City. Yesiree, So... is anybody still planning on going anywhere while summer's in the air?
~Benjamin 7/18/2003 12:57:00 AM
~ mercredi, juillet 16, 2003 ~
another weekday day in the lazy hazy summer. Left leg on a filing cabinet, right foot toes playing with a broken pen on the floor. Left hand fingers around a glass of iced tea, right hand fingers knick-knacking on the qwerty board. If anybody were to walk into the room and see me now, goodness forbids. I haven't showered all day and I'm as paresseux as a fatcat on Sonja's sofa. My chambre is a digusting dungeon of dust and I have so much sketchy scutwork to sufface for the rest of the season. My hair is an exploded eyesore and my eyes are red as herring.
An awkward "a" afflicts the middle name on my high school diploma while my scholarship money sits tight in the bureau of Dr. Martinez. Bah, I'm too lazy to walk to my old school and take care of all that business. Bah, poo.
I'm just going to sit here & type away my life as people read away theirs. haha, I stole minutes of your life and you can't have them back.
... now what.
~Benjamin 7/16/2003 02:30:00 PM
~ lundi, juillet 14, 2003 ~
That previous post has got to be the longest post I've ever posted before. Sheesh. Oh well, it's all part of the pre-college experience.
I am burning up here... it's sooo hot. Hmmm... it seems hotter here than it does in Northern Cali. Even though the temperature is 107° in Davis, the Los Angelican 97°F feels worse. I guess it's a matter of humidity. Up north, there're breezes but here, there're hot winds. This afternoon, I was wondering why it was so hot in my house and we all thought the AC was on but when I went to check, the freakin heater was on! It was a terrible 92° in the house! Darn this summer, darn it to heck!
Oh, by the way... BONNE FETE DE LA BASTILLE!!! Vive la Revolution! I wish I were in France to celebrate their national holiday today. It'd be oodles of fun. Speaking of France, I knew that the DHS French trip would have drahma... no matter where and when, DHS ppl always go through drahma. Oh well, all the world's a stage, I guess. Darn the drahma!
Well that's all for this post... tune in next time for another episode of Café de Terrasse same time, same place, same station- The Blogger Channel: Your Station for Useless Ramblings of Unimportant People
~Benjamin 7/14/2003 12:30:00 AM