~ vendredi, juillet 15, 2005 ~
Where is everybody!? Oh, probably dancin & drinkin @ the Cantina... goodness darndit, why are there so few underage people around in the Summer? I was soo bored after class today... and being bored is definitely not good for my wallet. If there's never anything else to do, I end up shopping... and at 12 midnight, there aint much open, so I peddled on over to Safeway with the promise to spend whatever cash I had in my wallet... all 12 dollars of it. It was a shopping spree!!! Here's what I bought:
2 lbs of mostly underripe nectarines (just how I like them) 1 lime (oh, if I only had a martini) 1 jar of black olives (I'll figure out something to do with this) 1 jar of dill pickles (mmm Kosher! ... and halal too!) 1 can of Bumblebee tuna (I don't even eat tuna that much) 1 can of mandarin oranges (it looked tasty in the little picture on the can) Some button mushrooms (I don't know what to do with this either... shroom?)
So that, laidies & gentlemen, is just one of a bazillion combinations of Safeway products that you can get for $12. Until next time, so long!
~Benjamin 7/15/2005 12:59:00 AM
~ lundi, juillet 11, 2005 ~
Ugh ugh ugh... don't ever buy pet fish from the Wal*Mart in Dixon, CA. I was there with Kenneth & Leslie today, and I was looking at alpha beta fish in the pet section when Ken yells, "Quick! Hurry! Come here, you gotta see this!" Being unblessed with the height of Mr. Ko, we get on our tippytoes to look into the top tank.. and there was this fish there... with another fish in its mouth! There was half-a-body & tail hanging out... it was eating its tankmate! So it was like the other fishie swam up his buddy's mouth and died half-way in. That was the beginning of horrors. We walked around and were appalled by what mine eyes hath seen! It was tank after tank of barely-live fish feeding on several of their dead little friends. They were picking off the rotting white flakes from the hollowed-out carcasses of their passed-on comrades. Leslie and I witnessed an asthmatic-looking fish swiftly swimming sideways to desperately escape a friend trying to eat him, even before he was dead! There were floating fish-no-more in every tank... absolutely disgusting. Ken figured that it was because Wal*Mart wasn't feeding them... and Leslie & I agreed... so he opened up canisters of fish flakes from the aisle and fed the little Nemos. Ken points out the irony in this... the fish with its friend in its mouth can't eat the flakes because of its predicament... so it's going to starve to death with a fish stuck in its mouth! hahahahaha... i mean... golly, that's sad.
SO anyway, spent the whole day going on a giant adventure with Leslie & Ken... it was a lot of fun.. and there was a lot of money involved from all the shopping that took place... I mustn't buy anything for the next couple weeks! Westfield Fairfield, Vacaville Outlets, Dollar Tree Cement Hill (Concrete Hill? ...eh, whtvr), Dixon Wal*Mart... fun stuff... that's what I'd call a day!!! =) But still... poor damned fishies.
~Benjamin 7/11/2005 01:05:00 AM