~ mardi, janvier 30, 2007 ~
- Love is long suffering,
- love is kind,
- it is NOT JEALOUS,
- love does not boast,
- it is not inflated.
- It is not discourteous,
- it is NOT SELFISH,
- it is not irritable,
- it does not enumerate the evil.
- It does not rejoice over the wrong, but rejoices in the truth
- It covers all things,
- it has faith for all things,
- it HOPES in all things,
- it ENDURES in all things.
~Benjamin 1/30/2007 11:41:00 PM
~ dimanche, janvier 28, 2007 ~
I want to be a priest. This past weekend has been so very enlightening and my discernment journey, though early, has already led me to completing my discernment retreat at St. Patrick's Seminary in Menlo Park, CA. What a gorgeous place. Over the past few days, I was living & breathing priestness. We had morning prayers at dawn and evening vespers each night. After mronign prayers, we went to Mass and throughout the day, we had Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Hearing the synchronized voices of 50 male tenors echoing off the marble and wood of the Chapel was really amazing... and touching. Every afternoon, the Angelus bells called us to lunch and dinner, and the Ave Maria bells called us to dinner and evening activities. We were simply obedient. I met soo many priests and seminarians... and their stories of hope, faith, and love have inspired me soo much. We had a lot of time for silent reflection and I just walked around the lush gardens and olde style corridors thinking about how much peace I was experiencing there. This led me to think that I might indeed have a calling...
but then again... I'm not sure. I would gladly say YES to the seminary right now at this moment... if it weren't for a personal issue that I need to contemplate. I want to get married.
Oh my God, what a blessing and what a desire it is to find that woman who I love so dear and loves me in return. I have such a strong inner longing to be with woman, to find my soulmate, to fall deeply in love and to know the love of Christ through her. I want to share my life, my being, my whole self with her.. to be one in a pair, to be her husband. Marriage is such a beautiful word and woman is such a beautiful creature.
Lord, if you are calling me to be a priest, please tell me that my happiness cannot be found in marriage. Tell me that the Church is my soulmate and that there is no one on earth for me. What am I going to do with my life?
Here are some pictures of St Patrick's Seminary... it looked like some place straight out of an olde European film.

~Benjamin 1/28/2007 10:41:00 PM