~ °Café de Terrasse° ~The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass. | |
~ Salut! Come and join me at Table #12 |Leaving so soon? Ecrivez-Moi! ~ | |
~ vendredi, septembre 20, 2002 ~ Ouch... Well, I just came back from my physical therapist, Merissa. Goodness, she's soo young! She's soo pretty too. But I can't have a crush on her... she's a professional... Anyway, yeah... I'm getting treatment for scoliosis (Because of those damn books, this school system is trying to kill my back!). Anyway, yeah... so I don't quite know what to write... I had something "deep" to write a few minutes ago but it sortof... vanished. Ummm... THANK GOODNESS IT'S FRIDAY!!!~ jeudi, septembre 19, 2002 ~ There's a new blog in town... hahaha... Fatima!!! Congratulations!!! I just came back from the luau dance and I am tired... Okay okay, i wasn't even dancing, i was selling iced* beverages of mixed variety. Absolutely wonderful! Well, my back hurts and I dunno why... maybe it's because I didn't sit down for 4 hours. :(~ mercredi, septembre 18, 2002 ~ When something goes wrong, why blame God? I mean, do you ever hear of blaming satan? If all good things come from God and since He is sinless, how can we say that bad things happening to us are because of Him? Why do we never blame the devil? If seemingly bad happenings are really from God, then they must not be bad because God is Good. Perhaps it's our own humanly perceptions that make them seem soo terrible. His will is not always understood by the cognitions of man. So why is it G~d-damnit and not devil-damnit? I asked a small toddler today if he was left handed or right handed... He said "Wha do yoo meen? i hav 2 hands!" hehaha Goodness darndit!!! Awwww... Huntington Gardens doesn't allow picnics. Oh well... I think I want to visit their tearoom for a cup or two, or three...~ mardi, septembre 17, 2002 ~ Maybe I ought to lighten up on my club memberships... but they are soo much fun!!! I mean... Goodness!!! What if I don't get accepted into UC Davis? There was mass hysteria today after the counselors scared everybody half to death... I really wasn't affected by it but with everybody telling me that I'm sure to get into UC Davis, I'm thinking, "What if I am too confident about going and if I find out I don't get in, I'll be devastated!!!" I mean, it's like a foreshadow to hear eveybody say, "Benz... you have nothing to worry about, I'm sure you'll get in." It might be like one of those horror suspense films where things won't go as I hope. I mean, I gotta get into UCD because they're the only UC that offers my major! That or USC but I really don't think I'm good enough to be a Trojan. But it would be a dream... If I get to be an Aggie (UCD's mascot), that would be wonderful!!! Haha... eithre way I'm a horse. Anyway, I really hope to get in... I visited Davis and I love that campus... except in the summer when It's really hot but that's okay because I can always go down to Berkeley or something where it's cooler and I can hang out with my cousins and yeah... but I digress... anyway, I really, really hope I get into UCD!!! I just wanted to write that in my blog and tell the world... hopefully this will foreshadow my acceptance...~ lundi, septembre 16, 2002 ~ THE POPE-MOBILE IS A MERCEDES BENZ !!! lol 39:10 I've been reading blogs again and... well yes, I read blogs everyday or whenever I can.... and I keep up to date on "Am I Just Another Teenager?" and "Who Are You?" "To Thine Own Self Be True", and of coarse, "Living in My Pretend World"... Right now I want to focus particularly on the lattre. Sameea!!! I wish i could go online to speak with you but I am having trouble connecting and I don't know if you're online!!! I wish i could call you but I don't have your telephone number!!! All I can do is offer you my sympathies and my hopes that you will feel bettre soon. Now I know we haven't talked to each other lately and I am sooo sorry for that... I don't want to lose knowing you better and having more memories of you... and I would hate to see you go... please don't run away... we'll all miss you!!! Please stay strong for all of us, your friends, for yourself, for God. I mean, you do have the right to be angry and upset... I would be too... but stay strong ... This hellish realm that you're going through... keep going, and soon you will find your way out... Wow... Guess who I saw today? Genevive!!! Remember her? Class of 2002? haha... well anyways, she wants to shout out and say hi to Daryl, and Ingrid, and Edwin, and Ernesto and all of us who were at the top of Video Productions Class last year! She says hey, what's up and she wishes you all a very good year! "Take this kiss upon the brow!
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