~ °Café de Terrasse° ~The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass. | |
~ Salut! Come and join me at Table #12 |Leaving so soon? Ecrivez-Moi! ~ | |
~ samedi, mars 01, 2003 ~ We are dividing a world more and more as we try to bring it closer together. What is this war? What sort of false American ideals are we trying to impose on the world? This isn't about oil or terrorism... this is about democracy and cultural world domination. That can't happen if it's done through war. We are going to end up becoming the most disagreeable country in the world- a nation that holds the dictatorship of democracy. What is this war? We are making war against the founding ideals of the nation of diplomacy and moral right. What is this war? We are making war not only with a dictator and his government, but also with a country, a region, and the world, which includes ourselves. Listen to your own peoples! Listen to the world! A war against war!? You are fighting fire with fire when you should be fighting it with water! Our nation has come a long way. From a nation of peace to a country of war. Now we are breaking other nations' constitutions. Democracy that is forced and imposed is no democracy at all. The Arab nations understand this, the Jewish nation is beginning to understand this, but we do not seem to understand this any longer. A biased nation meddling in an objective issue cannot prey upon emotions with illogique. Time is running out- sure it is. What time have we but the time we have to stay alive? Saying no to war is not saying yes to Saddam. Saying yes to peace is not saying no to our own nation. It is all quite the contrary. Let us establish peace with peace. Let us introduce democracy with democracy. Saddam needs to be ousted, not from his country, but from his nation, just as Bush must be brought down next year when we practice the number one feature of democracy- a feature we may introduce to the East, without forcing them to choose between our values and their demise. Today(yesterday, according to the current time) was not that bad of a day. In fact, i liked it. My class schedules were weird but it was okay because it broke away from the routine for a while. AP Government was cool and so was English. I got to go out to lunch with Justin dlc and Daryl (ppl I haven't gone out with for quite a while). I picked up my senior sweatshirt. I got to talk with Amber and Ricardo (ppl who I haven't chatted with for a long time) in French class. Molly felt better and Carlos was calmer. I ended the day at Starbucks with David and Vivian and I tried for the first time, their new Toffee Latté, which Fatima recommended earlier. It was delicious. Starbucks printed new pamphlets for my collection. I got to talking with David and his sis. When i came home, I got to speak with Sonya about friends, love, life in general. I am now about to sleep on the comfy couch in the parlour. Life can be soo good. By the way, other good stuff that happened today- I went to the dentist who found No cavities. I passed a test and got my drivers' permit. I've been enlightened. And this, I love- I finally have hot running water to take showers in!!!!!!!!!!!!~ jeudi, février 27, 2003 ~ It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood, I came home an hour ago and found huge, gaping holes in the walls of my house! There's this huge hole in my room particularly. The plumbers are re-routing pipes in the walls. The living room and my room are just plein de trous and I don't know what to say except I really want to install a hidden safe with a picture frame over it or maybe a secret hiding place. The coolest thing of all though is the hollow wall space near the parlour where we can make a little hiding place- sortof like an underground meeting place but it's probably too small. Well i'm going to make a time capsule and wall it up so that if we should ever decide to sell the house, the next buyers will know from whom they purchased it. I remember when we were stripping wallpaper and written in the walls, under the wallpaper was written: "John Loves Jane". I was like, awww, I hope they are still together. Anyway, there is a hole here now and it is here that I will leave my mark.~ mardi, février 25, 2003 ~ Flattering the Rose The Duarte High School Model United Nations is going through a crisis. I want to thank the dedicated members of the MUN for sticking with us all this time. What am i going to do with that organization? I don't know yet. I have yet to know.~ lundi, février 24, 2003 ~ Haha, today was a wonderful day. I mean nothing great happened but I felt back on track. That's how I feel- back on track. First of all, Mr. Kennedy came to visit us and rescue us from the annoying Mr. Saucy. I think I may take Kennedy's Saturday classes but they go from like 8-2 or something like that. Anyway, we had Mr. Lossner for AP English today- Did I ever tell you that he should win an award? He is chouette! Haha... sub of the year (substitute, not submarine)! Not that Dr. Brown is a bad teacher but a break from the bestest teachers in the world is sometimes necessary. During lunchtime, David; Victoria; and I went out to McDees for the first time since last year. That was awesome. Oh and in yearbook, I made a new substitute teacher friend! His name was Mr. M (or was it W?) and he was from Kenya and he spoke Swahili, Greek, and Hebrew and I was helping him to learn French!!! He let me eat in class haha. I hope he subs for Mlle. Pulido tomorrow. Oh, and French III is going to have a French Partay!!! It's going to be soo mush beter than the French I class... thanks to Amber for the inspiration!!! Aside from all the school stuff, I love the weather. It's like living in a misty cloud. Soo fresh and breezy. I dunno about last week, but now I'm sure... I'm going to be just fine. Just fine, indeed.~ dimanche, février 23, 2003 ~ Haha, I feel much better now. I did a lot of thinking while I was a church today. I should've been praying but... hehe, Forgive me. Anyway, I think I know how to fix some of my problems. It's all a matter of will and way. I'm a cloud that needs to rain. So I'll try to help myself because only i can help myself with a little help from my friends. I get by with a little help from my friends.. haha, the Wonder Years. Anyway, hehe, i certainly hope this coming week is a better happy one.
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