~ °Café de Terrasse° ~The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass. | |
~ Salut! Come and join me at Table #12 |Leaving so soon? Ecrivez-Moi! ~ | |
~ samedi, mai 17, 2003 ~ I was trying to install a towel rack in my parents' watercloset and I think I drilled a bit too much at a slant. Well the rack is now off center and if I try to fix it, there would be four "kindergarten pencil"-sized holes exposed for the world to gape at. I hope the towels stay up. Honestly, I'm good with the drill... but I think I was too tired to work with it. I mean, I finally saw "The Pianist" at 2:12 this morning. Interesting film although something was missing and I can't quite put my tail on it but yeah. I finally cleaned my chambre today... much fun. Am I the only person in the world who actually enjoys cleaning his room? I cooked lunch today... it was a culinary invention of mine. I call it, "white noodles and stuff". Much to my stupefaction, everybody seemed to like it... except me, that is. Frankly, I thought it tasted like my hampster. Not that I would know what my hampster tastes like but if I did, that's how I reckon it would taste. Well this has been a laundry list of today's events excluding my aunt's visit from San Francisco, my uncle's sudden decision to purchase a large Las Vegas home, and my brother's fulfillment of the Sacrament of Confirmation. Well I'm famished so I'm gonna go eat the rest of my creation (I made enough in a large wok to last three days). Have a good night tlm!~ jeudi, mai 15, 2003 ~ Don't forget to watch the Lunar Eclipse tonight! Goodness, I actually contracted coffee poisoning yesterday. I suppose that's the consequence of practically drowning myself in java and espressos. I need to ease off on the coffee. I've established a quota. Last night I was sick in bed and not just because of the caffeine poisoning eithre. I'm having strong cravings and I think I'm going through withdrawals. I was at the local Starbucks yesterday with two of my friends and we saw Katy, an interesting college freshman (& DHS c/o '02). She was "trying" to study Art History... now isn't that an interesting course? The history of art... or was it Art Appreciation? No, it was History. Anyway, whatever it was, it looked interesting. Speaking of intresting classes, my Politics instructor, Mr. Flowers, will be going over International Relations later this year. S'about time! It'll be useful for my future study plans in college. Speaking of which, I have to sign up for UC Davis Orientation Week aye-sahp (ASAP). College is only a few months away and I'm still in dire need of seventeen thousand dollars. What am I to do? Bah pooh, I'll worry about it later.~ lundi, mai 12, 2003 ~ The Pasadena Library is one of the grandest public libraries that I have ever seen. There are different estate rooms... well i suppose everybody knows what the place is like, seeing as how I'm like, the only one who has never been there out of all my friends. It was a lovely place and I went on an adventure. I found myself lost in a reading room. Lost in French literature and literally lost in the bibliotheque. I have nothing more to say about the library except I that I wish to return sometime soon.~ dimanche, mai 11, 2003 ~ The following comments were overheard last night in the local Starbucks café as Duarte High School AP students "studied" for their exams: Study groups are terribly fun. I guess that's why they never work for me. Where, exactly, is the best place to hold a study group? The bookstore perhaps? Well, when all the comfy store chaises are taken and we are forced to sit on the floor near the art section, and a girl comes by with her father and a woman with a B&N nametag, saying that she wishes to look at the books behind the corner where we are studying so our group would have to be totally gerrymandered, it causes just a tad bit of a distraction. What about the local Denny's? Well when there are countless numbers of extremely loud morning folks who shout out their orders for skillet breakfasts and eat like cows chewing cud while talking to their companions about the grittyness of their hash browns, concentration levels aren't quite as high as we wish them to be. And when it becomes apparent to the manager that nobody in our party wishes to order anything except free water and that all we wish to do is take their largest, most requested table of the restauraunt to pile our books and packs on, things don't exactly work out for us at the end. What about a café? Wonderful choice! But not when it's an extremely petite Starbucks in a city that is 15 miles away from your intended destination where, due to the sudden world craving for coffee, you are forced to sit outside where the sun is scorching the humid air and is gleaming its super-radiant rays against your bright white paper and into your retinas as you seat four people to a table that is meant for two people so it holds only two out of twelve books, studying isn't a very comfortable activity. As we discovered, the best place to study was the local Duarte Starbucks where we secured three comfy "couches", three tables of varying heights, and an atmosphere of French-Roast coffee scents, silent middle-age philosophy students, and plenty of food, plus a nice barista who knew some of us by name. But, what happens when things get too comfortable!? It isn't very easy to study when you're having so much fun with some of your bestest friends in a cool talkative environment with catchy lounge tunes and gigantic blue cushions under your tooshies. You eithre want to sleep, chat, or eat. I had oodles of fun last night! I can't wait till our Summer vacation "study groups".
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