~ °Café de Terrasse° ~

The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass.
~ Salut! Come and join me at Table #12 |Leaving so soon? Ecrivez-Moi! ~
As of right now, patrons have patronized me.
I feel... The current mood of wearytraveller at www.imood.com
08/25/2002 - 09/01/200209/01/2002 - 09/08/200209/08/2002 - 09/15/200209/15/2002 - 09/22/200209/22/2002 - 09/29/200209/29/2002 - 10/06/200210/06/2002 - 10/13/200210/13/2002 - 10/20/200210/20/2002 - 10/27/200210/27/2002 - 11/03/200211/03/2002 - 11/10/200211/10/2002 - 11/17/200211/17/2002 - 11/24/200211/24/2002 - 12/01/200212/01/2002 - 12/08/200212/08/2002 - 12/15/200212/15/2002 - 12/22/200212/22/2002 - 12/29/200212/29/2002 - 01/05/200301/05/2003 - 01/12/200301/12/2003 - 01/19/200301/19/2003 - 01/26/200301/26/2003 - 02/02/200302/02/2003 - 02/09/200302/09/2003 - 02/16/200302/16/2003 - 02/23/200302/23/2003 - 03/02/200303/02/2003 - 03/09/200303/09/2003 - 03/16/200303/16/2003 - 03/23/200303/23/2003 - 03/30/200303/30/2003 - 04/06/200304/06/2003 - 04/13/200304/13/2003 - 04/20/200304/20/2003 - 04/27/200304/27/2003 - 05/04/200305/04/2003 - 05/11/200305/11/2003 - 05/18/200305/18/2003 - 05/25/200305/25/2003 - 06/01/200306/01/2003 - 06/08/200306/08/2003 - 06/15/200306/15/2003 - 06/22/200306/22/2003 - 06/29/200306/29/2003 - 07/06/200307/06/2003 - 07/13/200307/13/2003 - 07/20/200307/20/2003 - 07/27/200307/27/2003 - 08/03/200308/03/2003 - 08/10/200308/10/2003 - 08/17/200308/17/2003 - 08/24/200308/24/2003 - 08/31/200308/31/2003 - 09/07/200309/07/2003 - 09/14/200309/14/2003 - 09/21/200309/21/2003 - 09/28/200309/28/2003 - 10/05/200310/05/2003 - 10/12/200310/12/2003 - 10/19/200310/19/2003 - 10/26/200310/26/2003 - 11/02/200311/02/2003 - 11/09/200311/16/2003 - 11/23/200311/23/2003 - 11/30/200311/30/2003 - 12/07/200312/07/2003 - 12/14/200312/14/2003 - 12/21/200312/21/2003 - 12/28/200312/28/2003 - 01/04/200401/04/2004 - 01/11/200401/11/2004 - 01/18/200401/18/2004 - 01/25/200401/25/2004 - 02/01/200402/01/2004 - 02/08/200402/08/2004 - 02/15/200402/15/2004 - 02/22/200402/22/2004 - 02/29/200402/29/2004 - 03/07/200403/07/2004 - 03/14/200403/14/2004 - 03/21/200403/21/2004 - 03/28/200403/28/2004 - 04/04/200404/04/2004 - 04/11/200404/11/2004 - 04/18/200404/18/2004 - 04/25/200404/25/2004 - 05/02/200405/02/2004 - 05/09/200405/09/2004 - 05/16/200405/16/2004 - 05/23/200405/23/2004 - 05/30/200405/30/2004 - 06/06/200406/06/2004 - 06/13/200406/13/2004 - 06/20/200406/20/2004 - 06/27/200406/27/2004 - 07/04/200407/04/2004 - 07/11/200407/18/2004 - 07/25/200408/08/2004 - 08/15/200408/15/2004 - 08/22/200408/22/2004 - 08/29/200408/29/2004 - 09/05/200409/05/2004 - 09/12/200409/12/2004 - 09/19/200409/19/2004 - 09/26/200409/26/2004 - 10/03/200410/03/2004 - 10/10/200410/10/2004 - 10/17/200410/17/2004 - 10/24/200410/24/2004 - 10/31/200410/31/2004 - 11/07/200411/07/2004 - 11/14/200411/14/2004 - 11/21/200411/21/2004 - 11/28/200411/28/2004 - 12/05/200412/05/2004 - 12/12/200412/12/2004 - 12/19/200412/19/2004 - 12/26/200401/02/2005 - 01/09/200501/09/2005 - 01/16/200501/16/2005 - 01/23/200501/23/2005 - 01/30/200502/06/2005 - 02/13/200502/13/2005 - 02/20/200502/20/2005 - 02/27/200503/06/2005 - 03/13/200503/13/2005 - 03/20/200503/20/2005 - 03/27/200503/27/2005 - 04/03/200504/10/2005 - 04/17/200504/17/2005 - 04/24/200504/24/2005 - 05/01/200505/01/2005 - 05/08/200505/15/2005 - 05/22/200505/22/2005 - 05/29/200505/29/2005 - 06/05/200506/05/2005 - 06/12/200506/12/2005 - 06/19/200506/26/2005 - 07/03/200507/03/2005 - 07/10/200507/10/2005 - 07/17/200507/17/2005 - 07/24/200507/24/2005 - 07/31/200507/31/2005 - 08/07/200509/04/2005 - 09/11/200509/11/2005 - 09/18/200509/25/2005 - 10/02/200510/02/2005 - 10/09/200510/09/2005 - 10/16/200510/16/2005 - 10/23/200510/30/2005 - 11/06/200511/06/2005 - 11/13/200511/20/2005 - 11/27/200511/27/2005 - 12/04/200512/04/2005 - 12/11/200512/18/2005 - 12/25/200512/25/2005 - 01/01/200601/08/2006 - 01/15/200601/22/2006 - 01/29/200601/29/2006 - 02/05/200602/26/2006 - 03/05/200603/26/2006 - 04/02/200604/02/2006 - 04/09/200604/09/2006 - 04/16/200604/16/2006 - 04/23/200604/30/2006 - 05/07/200605/14/2006 - 05/21/200605/21/2006 - 05/28/200605/28/2006 - 06/04/200606/11/2006 - 06/18/200606/25/2006 - 07/02/200607/02/2006 - 07/09/200607/09/2006 - 07/16/200607/16/2006 - 07/23/200607/23/2006 - 07/30/200607/30/2006 - 08/06/200608/06/2006 - 08/13/200608/13/2006 - 08/20/200608/20/2006 - 08/27/200608/27/2006 - 09/03/200609/03/2006 - 09/10/200609/10/2006 - 09/17/200609/17/2006 - 09/24/200610/01/2006 - 10/08/200610/08/2006 - 10/15/200610/15/2006 - 10/22/200611/05/2006 - 11/12/200611/12/2006 - 11/19/200611/19/2006 - 11/26/200611/26/2006 - 12/03/200612/03/2006 - 12/10/200612/24/2006 - 12/31/200601/07/2007 - 01/14/200701/14/2007 - 01/21/200701/28/2007 - 02/04/200702/18/2007 - 02/25/200703/25/2007 - 04/01/200707/08/2007 - 07/15/200710/14/2007 - 10/21/200712/16/2007 - 12/23/200702/03/2008 - 02/10/2008
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~ you think you're helping me but you're just making things worse. torture. ~
~ Archives ~

~ jeudi, avril 03, 2003 ~

Almost everyday after classes, I've been catching sight of her eithre alone or with friends. hehe... how else would she be. Hmmm... Alors, I don't want to reveal it but je pense qu'elle est collé dans mon esprit trop. It's alwys fun and exciting when you've discovered someone you like for the first time. Those stages when you've developed a liking for somebody and getting to know them is a super exciting adventure. A glance every now and then, a smile here and there, a laugh for a giggle, and a ... well there's this thing that elle does when she suddenly feels special... when her eyebrows seem to rise like she's sad and her eyes squint a little bit like she's trying to see you better and at the same time, the edges of her closed lips are lifted to a petit sourire until they part a bit and she makes that sound... "awww". Well it's hard to describe, but guys, when you see it, you know it.
But sometimes, that stage seems to go on forever. You start to wonder whether it'll ever get anywhere. It's interesting, but is it right to fall for someone before you even know them? To like who you do not yet know? Is it enough savoir et pas connaître when it comes to love? What if you loved someone you didn't like? Makes one think. All I know so far is that throughout the time I've been acquainted with her, I've realized that elle est elle, et elle est plus a moi.

~Benjamin 4/03/2003 09:27:00 PM
~ lundi, mars 31, 2003 ~
I feel like blogging right now but I don't know what on earth to blog about. No Sonya and Bob, you won't find out about "elle". First you have to tell me about Robbin. Ro? bin? Robert? Bin Laden? Hmmm... je ne le comprends pas. Alors, I was reading other people's blogs and I just want to express my VALLEY VIEW PRIDE!!! Yes!!! Go Dolphins! So with that over, what else can I say? Today was not bad of a day. Although I feel sorry for KBB, wherever she is. And what those crazy ignorant people did to her was terrible. Oh well, maybe she'll come back tomorrow for her Birthday!!! Hmmm... It looks like light rain this Thursday. I'm looking foreward to it because we need it. Oh, in other news, I finally finished my book!!! If anybody is ever looking for any light reading, I highly suggest that you read "French Lessons: Adventures with Knife, Fork, and Corkscrew", by Peter Mayle. It's hilarious and tasty. Read it and find out why. Well I'm Benjamin and this has been... another blog. Thank you everybody for reading. Good evening and goodnight.

~Benjamin 3/31/2003 06:43:00 PM
~ dimanche, mars 30, 2003 ~
I returned from an evening promenade an hour ago. I wonder... what is it with girls and walking barefoot? It's like, every chance they get, they want to kick off their shoes, walk in their socks or walk with nude feet. They have like, hundreds of pairs of shoes but they don't wanna wear them? Me confoosed.

~Benjamin 3/30/2003 11:16:00 PM

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En memoire de Floy Catabas (1932-2002)