The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass.
So we've settled it. Stephen, Michael, and Kenneth are living with Emiliano & I next year and it's going to be awesomeeeee... The only thing is that I hope Emiliano doesn't mind the Newmanites + 1 configuration. Man, have we all got plans. In other news, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILLIAN & MOTTS! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALSO TO JESSICA! the big 2-0. Times flies when you're getting old. aye?
In other news, guess who has a cell phone now! If you guessed Colin, you're wrong! It's Emil! No, you're wrong again! It's MEEEEEEEEEEEE! 1-mambohelix... that's me number... err letter. So for a good time ;) , call 1-mambo helix, guaranteed to make your DNA do the mambo Frenchiano. uh huh, yupp, das rite now, get down wit yo bad selfs
So in other news, I'm soo worried about my job certification exam tomorrow. Ooh man, I haven't even completely learned the 15-page script and I haven't exactly mastered the art of walking backwards. I just hope I do real well so I can start giving my tours... and especially private tours for private people. wink* wink* If you'd like a private tour, call me. You've got the number.. and ask for Benjamin. ;D
~Benjamin 3/07/2005 11:24:00 PM