~ °Café de Terrasse° ~

The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass.
~ Salut! Come and join me at Table #12 |Leaving so soon? Ecrivez-Moi! ~
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~ samedi, avril 26, 2003 ~

Things I need to learn: To avoid being disappointed, minimize expectations while keeping hope. Perfectionism leads to paralysis, which leads to procrastination. Remember: Progress, not perfection.

~Benjamin 4/26/2003 11:25:00 PM
Dear readers of my blog, please excuse the following post. It is written in a Uralic language form with some French and English parts to it. I do not expect anybody to read, much less understand any of it. I posted it here because I am bored and overcome by emotion. If anybody is able to translate any of it, please don't share it with the world. The last thing I need is another ulcer.
I-KIRJAIN kohtuullinen don't osata mikä jotta sananvalta. I-KIRJAIN ajaa ei osata kö eli ei I-KIRJAIN pitäisi koetella kiukkuinen eli ehkä koetella harmittaa eli ehkä koetella iloinen. I-KIRJAIN osata että I-KIRJAIN ajaa ei osata kuinka jotta koetella. This has been happening a lot lately. Je ne sais pas pourquoi. Justin ja Sonya huomauttaa we -lta suhde kesken kakkonen toinen ihmiset. I-KIRJAIN muistaa toinen Justin ja -nsa suhde avulla Andréa. Paikalla kohtuullinen esiintyä jotta olla asiakaspiiri. Se kuin deja vu. I-KIRJAIN vähäinen määrä avaimenlehti haikea nykyisin että i-kirjain ei sisu johonkin avulla joku. Ainoastaan I-KIRJAIN arvella c'est la vie. David toinen henki joka I-KIRJAIN läheisimpämme jotta sisu paikoitellen avulla. Ainoastaan kas noin hän nähdäkseni kuin hankala henki jotta olla tasalla avulla. But I don't know. It was like when Carlos ja I-KIRJAIN sont sortis aussi. I-KIRJAIN kohtuullinen ajaa ei osata si RJ ja autre ihmiset care. Ehkä I-KIRJAIN olen ajaen päivän kysymykset kanssa vakavasti. I-KIRJAIN halu I-KIRJAIN eritä -lta aivan jaotella toiminta että kaikki on monimutkainen kotona. I-KIRJAIN halu I-KIRJAIN eritä des affairs comme le fois ou Fatima ja I-KIRJAIN gave up the -lta aivan jaotella toiminta että kaikki on monimutkainen kotona. I-KIRJAIN koetella luovuttava. I have often believed that... Jotta koetella yksin on ymmärrettävä. Jotta koetella syrjäinen on hylättävä. Well, at least to me, it seems that way but what do I know right? What do I know about ces affairs.

~Benjamin 4/26/2003 01:28:00 AM
~ jeudi, avril 24, 2003 ~
The federal government has disqualified me from receiving any of their financial aid offerings and so I am therefore left with a difficult situation as a middle class student striving to attain a high level education. It's interesting how low income and high income families are much more well off in these financial terms. My family is only able to afford almost half of the thousands of dollars that the universities 'need'. I hope that my "college career" is not jeopardized by this situation. I rose shakily from bed this morning after a nighmare last night about my inability to go to UC Davis due to a lack of funding. Since early this morning, I have been filling out scholarship applications frantically and I have just now taken a break to blog. J'ai faim et j'ai sommeil. Most of all, I am worried. I NEED $$$!!!

~Benjamin 4/24/2003 06:42:00 PM
~ mercredi, avril 23, 2003 ~
I never knew the charm of spring. I never met it face to face. I never new my heart could sing. I never missed a warm embrace. Till April in Paris, chestnuts in blossom. Holiday tables under the trees. April in Paris, this is a feeling that no one can ever reprise.

~Benjamin 4/23/2003 01:30:00 PM
~ lundi, avril 21, 2003 ~
I love UC Davis! The campus is so neat and the people really are so friendly! People there smile a lot. (I felt like the whole world was flirting.) I like that big-campus-in-a-small-town feel. The people there are very informal but in a formal way. It's interesting. I was walking around with my friend David (haha David in Davis) and I was stupidly pretending to be like a college student. Evrytime we passed somebody, I would be like, "Damnit, I have a class in 12 minutes (At which they would look at me weird because it was 21 minutes past the hour)." We spent a great deal of time imitating the students on campus... their walk, their talk, their behaviour. Oh my goodness... we saw the horrible aftermath of a bicycle collision in one of the bike parking lots. Sheesh... gotta be careful there. Anyway, I am sooo felicititious about going to Davis. The dorms are not too shabby. The weather is wonderful this time of year (well, it's perfect for me; I like that cold cloudy look). Oooh... They have a wine class of interest to me. Did you know that if you are under 21 and you take that class, you can drink the wine but they make sure you spit it back out? Hmmm... that's bizarre. Speaking of bizarre, there are duckies all over the creek (which, by the way, is called Putah something... which doesn't translate too appropriately in Tagalog). Anyway, yeah, the duckies are chouette! I was going around making them pose for pictures. Ooh! They are building a new centre coffeehouse adjacent to the one that already exists. The Mondavi Arts Center is beautiful. I feel terrible that I couldn't try their cafeteria food but we were pressed for time but oh well. I'm going to be eating it in a few months anyway. (With all the cows up there, I wonder if they eat steak. Meauhhh...)

~Benjamin 4/21/2003 11:24:00 PM

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En memoire de Floy Catabas (1932-2002)