~ °Café de Terrasse° ~

The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass.
~ Salut! Come and join me at Table #12 |Leaving so soon? Ecrivez-Moi! ~
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~ samedi, juillet 29, 2006 ~


Oh man, I think I know how my friend Kelly feels.. I am craving chocolate.. yes sweeet sweeet chocolate.. I made mussels and clams for dinner tonight but now I am in the mood for something sweet and I figure chocolateeee...
"Las cosas claras y el chocolate espeso." That's an old Spanish proverb.. and it means: Ideas should be clear and thick as chocolate.
Anyway, I don't really have anything in particular to post about.. uhh.. let's see.. life is good. I still have finals on Monday. I'm still looking forward to going home to see family. I'm still missing Trisha. I'm still debating whether or not to go to Newman for Mass tomorrow. I still need to make Thai Iced Tea. I still want chocolate and there's no freakin choc in my pantry anywhere.. I'm very tempted to eat hot cocoa powder.
...or maybe bike to Safeway at 12:12am for some sweeet milk chocolate (dark chocolate is alright but I'm a milk kinda guy.. and white chocolate is too sweet.)

Benjamin's Hierarchy of Chocolate:
1) milk
2) dark
3) white

ok, i'm out..

~Benjamin 7/29/2006 11:57:00 PM
~ vendredi, juillet 28, 2006 ~

I really avoid lusting after people I care about. I mean, it's not good to lust after anybody in general.. after all, it's a sin and all. But most especially for people I really love and care about like ahem.. that special somebody- I don't like to lust because I wouldn't want our relationship based on that. Lust is shaky ground and it's gotten me into quite A BIT of trouble in years past. Lust has been so much a part of my life for such a long time & people don't know certain things about me that I've never revealed to anybody else except those who.. umm know by one way or another. People thinking I'm so innocent.. hahaha if only they knew. I can assure you though, dear readers, that I'm still a virgin, and PROUD OF IT. Hellz yah... errr Heavens yes, rather.

Anyway, a truly GOOD relationship is based on Love. From Love, there's sexual attraction, which I would say is different from lust because it's not necessarily bad. But only in the context of Love, is sexual attraction "right". There's other factors involved too like marriage and stuff.

Although sometimes I gotta face it.. I'm a guy. There are times when I can't help but think about things (or one thing, rather). It happens. The proper response is to control those desires.. a hard thing to do.. but fellow dudes, believe me, controlling them is worth it AND necessary.
Wow, why does the word "lust" just sound soo... lusty? It's like the term: "DESIRES OF THE FLESH"... whew! It just sounds provocative. "LIBIDO" sounds like a South American instrument though.
Ok, anyway, what the heck am I talking about!? Ahem, the point that I'm trying to make is:
Love over Lust.. go for what's true and right.. and like a picture, it'll last longer.

~Benjamin 7/28/2006 11:42:00 PM
~ mercredi, juillet 26, 2006 ~
Some Nor Cal people are soo proud of being Nor Cal that they can be pretty nasty suckers towards So Cal. I really don't understand how a society like this one can hate on us SoCalers so much. Nor Calers are almost always the ones who bring up the cultural differences.. the way So Calers don't use the word "hella"; the way So Cal is always dissed as "fake" or "full of traffic" or "dirty" or whatever, or freakin the way So Calers say "the -" when referring to highways, routes, and freeways. And about that... is the word "the" considered to be some sort of So Cal conspiracy that threatens the Nor Cal way of life!? What's gives!?
You know what though, to many SoCalers, there aint much of anything outside SoCal. NorCal doesn't exist. I think we don't bring up these issues as much as NorCalers do because we really don't care too much about NorCal (produce and seafood are more expensive up here anyway). For all we know, the North Pole is in NorCal.
That I would admit, is the problem with many SoCalers- we live in a giant bubble & carry on with our Santa Barbara beaches, or our LA ghettoness, our Pasadena roses, our OC housewives, our Covina Filipinos, our Palm Springs sun, our giant Hollywood sign, our Mojave desert, or our San Diego uhhh.. umm.. what's in SD again? oh yeah.. that giant fence.. Anywho, the point I'm trying to make here is..

freakin NorCal.

...because SoCal has feelings too!

~Benjamin 7/26/2006 11:41:00 PM
~ mardi, juillet 25, 2006 ~
I just got off the phone with my girlfriend Trisha & it was a nice conversation (as always =) but after hanging up, I got to thinking..
Our relationship started off in a rather awkward way. We barely got together and before we could really get to know each other in the relationship context, we were separated.. and so our relationship had to kinda begin to develop long distancely. It's like the Lord was testing our relationship early on.. you know? I really love speaking with her & listening to her but more than anything right now, I'd like very much to be with her.. and that's one of the special reasons why I can't wait until I fly back home. I look forward to seeing her soon.
One difficult thing about speaking on the phone is that I don't really know how often to call her.. what, because I don't want to annoy her parents and disturb too much of her school studying and all. Also, there're certain things I would like to tell her but I don't because I'd rather say these things in person... but there's sooon for that.

So anyway, it's been a busy week.. lots of school. lots of work. lots of tours. lots of errands. lots of trips. I LIKE IT.
haha.. keeps me busy and excited in this boring dtown.. now if only it weren't so goodness darned hot. Meeowwzahh! It's 11:32 pm and it's like 91 degrees outside right now. Hrmmm, it's like the end of the world! Oh heavens no, I hope the end of the world is not near.. please don't end, earth! Just give me a few weeks... don't end.. not until I can be with my family... not until I can see my Trisha... not until i chill with my old friends.. oh, and not until I go to confession.. but that's a different story.. maybe I'll post about that next time.
N E wayz, it's getting late and i better get started on this 3-pp paper due tomorrow morning.
Goodnight ya'll!!

~Benjamin 7/25/2006 11:32:00 PM

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