~ samedi, janvier 22, 2005 ~
Today, I took part in my first protest in San Francisco. It was the "Walk for Life" Pro-Life protest on the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. 32 years, we've had to deal with the muder of our innocent unborn brothers and sisters. Mary, Kim, Marie, Colin, Michael, Larry, and I represented the "UCDavis Newman Catholic Students For Life". For two miles at three hours, we marched, holding signs, some saying "Women Deserve Better than Abortion", while the counter protestors mobilized. We met them, they yelled at us. They spit at us. They threw eggs and condoms at us. They singled out the priests among us and spewed obscenities. When we gave them the sign of peace, they responded with the middle finger. But we showed them that we weren't going to harass them back because we aren't the conservative evangelical groups they are used to going against. We were made up of mostly Catholics, Feminists, & Pro-Life Democrats. We were not what they claimed us to be... we were not "nazi fundamentalist fascists". Many of us do not support the War in Iraq, nor do we support capital punishment, and euthanasia. We counter the culture of death because we represent the Culture of Life. We were mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, daughters, and sons for a more Moral America. This is an wonderful country but it could be better!
I was sad to see some of our fellow Christian brothers and sisters in the counterprotest. There were young children yelling at us, one girl saying, "It's not a baby! It's an idea!". Well little girl, you are quite mistaken. People are people no matter what shape of size. Life is Life. Be thankful that your parents did not abort you. We offer support to people who have turned to abortion. We do not wish to condemn you, but on the contrary, we embrace you and we hope that you speak out about your victimization. There were laidies screaming, "Save Roe!" Well let me tell you something... Jane Roe has been saved. She has seen the horrific nature of Abortion. She is now on our side.
I hope people can soon realize that the value of life issue is neither political nor religious. We do not have the choice to take away life. Murder shouldn't be a choice. It is not just a women's issue. It is an issue of Morality for all people. Abortion is a disease upon our nation. People choose to have sex. When they do, they must deal with the consequences and we will help them get through it. Nobody has the right to touch women's ovaries... we don't and neither does Planned Parenthood.
7000 of our brothers and sisters made history today. I feel proud to be a part of that family. Our family rallies around a single message. It is a clear message. A simple message...
Choose Life.
~Benjamin 1/22/2005 09:27:00 PM
~ lundi, janvier 17, 2005 ~
Yesterday, I was @ Steve's apartment watching the Colts vs Patriots game on tv with Steve, Lawrence, Andie, Alison, & Leslie. It was an awesome time... then Andie, Leslie, Steve, & I went to Mishka's Café for some tea tasting & conversation. We talked about Newman, about other countries, about poverty, but most expecially about food. Culinaries, cooking, etcetera... Food really brings people together after all... so does the café society, which I've been missing so much.
Every night, a candle burns in my room so long as I am there. So if you see a candle burning in my window, that means that I am home in my room and those escaping on the underground railroad can find sanctuary within my walls. Two candles mean that they will be attacking by sea.
~Benjamin 1/17/2005 10:10:00 PM