The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass.
Habemus Papam... We have a Pope. I heard this morning that our new pope was elected after 4 ballots. Cardinal Ratzinger is now for the Church, Pope Benedict XVI. I wonder where he will lead the Church. A part of me is overjoyed and I am happy that we have a pope who will defend our faith but I wonder how much of his hardline reputation is true. He has a scary name... RATZINGER... kinda sounds villainish. But ok, that's kindof uncalledfor... I guess it's a hard transition because Pope John Paul II was soo awesomee.. but for sure Pope Benedict XVI must be a blessing. I'm particularly interested in what he's going to do with ecunumism and how he will treat our brothers and sisters in other faiths. That's my primary concern with a conservative Pope. I trust that God will truly work through our pope and may he allow the light of Christ to shine upon us all. We are after all, Roman Catholic. We must stand for what we believe and we must be strong in our faith, while we come to understand and keep compassionate towards others. On the subject of ecunumism, I am a supporter of John Paul II's approach and I hope that we can keep peace within the diverse body of Christianity, among the People of the Book (our Muslim and Jewish brothers and sisters), and with those who believe in other faiths around the world. That is verry important! We must evangelize but we cannot condemn. Now in terms of some other issues within the Church... I am skeptical of the ordination of women.. I see all genders as equal before God and we do have our own roles.. like harmony in a song. Take the "Lamb of God" song @ Newman... it wouldn't sound as good if men and women sang the same verses. I'm not sure about deaconesses... maybe. I would not object to the allowance of marriage for priests although I do highly look up to priests who vow celibacy. I am pro-life; anti-abortion, anti-death penalty, anti-war. Maybe we need this conservative pope.. I don't know.. but God is at work here. All we can do is accept and pray to God that Pope Benedict XVI will say and do according to God's will. Pax Vobiscum.
~Benjamin 4/19/2005 11:59:00 PM