~ samedi, octobre 08, 2005 ~
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Visitor Services Tour Guide of the Month
Benjamin Catabas Summer 2005
~Benjamin 10/08/2005 03:49:00 PM
~ mardi, octobre 04, 2005 ~
There was this really attractive girl sitting on a bench outside Wellman Hall this afternoon. She was writing something in her notebook when a fly landed on her forehead. She let it walk around her head, as it tasted her sweat. It was really quite disgusting. Gash, I hate flies. They can make anything or anyone seem dirty.
Some Common Little Creatures Benjamin Highly Dislikes: 1) cockroaches (except those Madagascar hissing ones) 2) mosquitos (except the male ones) 3) flies (especially their maggots) 4) centipedes 5) spiders (except the friendly ones) 6) mites (i "mite" just scream! hehe) 7) millipedes 8) yellowjackets 9) gnats 10) ticks 11) ants (except the leafcutter ones) 12) long thin worms that slither 13) slugs 14) aphids (my poor herb garden)
~Benjamin 10/04/2005 11:12:00 PM