Today was my 2-month anniversary with my girl and I knew about it but I didn't do anything special for her.. and for that I feel bad. =( She messaged me on facebook saying, "im guessing you may have forgotten what today is... :( ". I felt like crud. To be honest though, I didn't forget about it.. I just didn't know if people celebrate 2-month anniversaries. I figured that I don't want our relationship to be judged based on how much time we've been together, but by how much Love develops since we are together. I hope that made sense. I told Leah & Jords that I didn't do anything for this 'versary and Jords was like, "it's ok.. you're both apart from each other..." but Leah was like, "ohhhhhh no, you need to grovel..." It seems like every guy thinks this wasn't a big deal but every girl believes that missing anniversaries is a devastating tragedy. Since Trisha is a girl, I figured I was definitely in the doghouse. Well I called Trisha and I realized how very gullible I can be when it comes to these things.. but don't tell her that! Relationships and gullibility shouldn't mix. She wasn't mad at me after all.. turns out she was just playin around. But still, that comment she made was straight from her subconscious.. that just means that our third month anniversary (which I actually get to spend WITH her!! =) will have to be extra special... I really want to show her how much she means to me [sorry to be all mushy gushy, readers.. but that's what romance does to some people].
So anyway, judging from the reactions I got from people, I'm convinced that anniversaries has got to be a concept invented by girls. Yup. No question about it. It's not a bad thing.. but it's a game that a lot of guys lose in.. and there aint no cheatin in this game, fellas.
~Benjamin 7/30/2006 11:52:00 PM