~ vendredi, novembre 24, 2006 ~
THANK YOU, WORKER BEE! Wonderful weekend! I came back home two days ago as a surprise to my family... noone had a clue... it all started a few weeks ago when dearest Trisha told me her sister had room in the car to take me to SoCal... I tried to play it off that I wasn't excited.. you know, hahaha.. not to seem all desperate to say "yeahh!!! awesomeee!" but inside, that's what I was really thinking... a nice long car ride with a sweet friend and an opportunity to see the familia! So I get home.. surprise the mother and the sibs... and then the father when I woke up the next morning. And at Thanksgiving dinner, I surprised my godparents.
THANKSGIVING was GREAT. Oodles of fun. I'm glad to be gaining weight again. You know what though... the Christmas music is back.. KOST 103.5 ... sigh* I love this season. O Come, O Come Emmanuel, baby. But.................... if I hear Karen Carpenter's song, "Merry Christmas Darling" one more time, I'm going to cry... very manly tears, but tears none-the-less... I don't want to have another lonely Christmas this year. I mean, I can handle it.. but I'd realllly prefer not to.
But that's weeks away... it's still Thanksgiving weekend... HAPPY BLACK FRIDAY! Oh man... bought grippa stuff today.. and the shopping extravaganza aint over yet... gonna have to work extra hours and do extra tours to cover these expenses. They say God'll provide.. but I think I've exceeded my allocation quota... from here on, I'm seriously in the red... and no matter what I do, I may or many not get the money back.. I'm not Protestant so that work ethic doesn't apply to me. Wait a minute... what's the Catholic Work Ethic? How is it different from the Protestant Work Ethic? Well here's my theory:
PWE: One works = one benefits CWE: All work = all benefit OR one works = all benefit
PWE: Prosperity and salvation comes from one's own work. CWE: Prosperity and salvation comes by the grace of God.
PWE: Work must be perfectly done and you must do your best. Don't miss a single detail... it's all up to you. CWE: Work is never perfect but you must do your best. Do what you can and leave God to the rest.
PWE: Work is necessary... you must do it whether you love it or not. CWE: Love your work... and you'll never work a day in your life.
PWE: Material prosperity is your reward for hard work. CWE: For hard work, your reward is in Heaven.
PWE: Work without rest. CWE: Work, then rest on the seventh day.
PWE: Man was made to work. CWE: Work was made for man.
Ok.. there's a little bit of bias here.. I'm not all for the Protty Work Ethic.. but whatever. If I work, I like knowing it's for the good of the world... not just my own. I'm sure the Orthodox Work Ethic is similar to the Catholic one... except there's some kind of fasting involved during work and some sort of olive oil treat after a job well done.
I was planning on writing about all the things I'm thankful for.. but looks like this post is far too long already... we'll just postpone until next time, kiddos!
~Benjamin 11/24/2006 09:20:00 PM
~ mercredi, novembre 22, 2006 ~
i'm weak sauce and i melt at the sight of beauty.
~Benjamin 11/22/2006 12:07:00 AM