~ °Café de Terrasse° ~The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass. | |
~ Salut! Come and join me at Table #12 |Leaving so soon? Ecrivez-Moi! ~ | |
~ samedi, novembre 27, 2004 ~ I am guilty for my spending habits. It's like, I start focusing my money and spending on unnecessary things... but I don't mean just buying one or two unnecessary items, I mean purchasing a bazillion of the same thing. Like my whole cheesecake phase right now... I've purchased 44 bars of cream cheese and I STILL have that rain check for 10 more. So now I'm moving on to holiday purchases and I'm back to my plant phase... except instead of herbs, poinsettas are the new thing... by the end of this weekend, I will have my entire kitchen & stairway full of poinsettas... oooh and candles. Holiday decorating is awesome.~ vendredi, novembre 26, 2004 ~ I'm doing pretty good with the leftovers from Thanksgiving. For a dinner made by me & friends (andie & emil), it was quite good. Although the turkey didn't quite turn out the way I had planned, it wasn't too bad... not as aromatique as I had hoped, but quite juicy nonetheless. With turrkey & graves... err, gravy, we also had mashed potatoes, dinner rolls, yams, corn, real cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. It was one of the most stress-free Thanksgivings I've ever had. Turkey took 3 hours (it was nearly 15 lbs), and we started all the cooking within that time period. There isn't much more to say except I'm thankful for friends, family, food, & fun... oh, and electric fans. So Thanksgiving went well and it's time now to hit up those After-Thanksgiving Day Sales!!!~ mardi, novembre 23, 2004 ~ Oooh man, now tonight's event was definitely worth a post in my blog. I woke up this morning tired from a night of papering but i woulda never expected to end the day eating lechon and pritong tilapia, shooot. Let me tell uuuu, if you've never had pilipino food, ur totally missin out. So Isabella told me about it this mornin and I didn't think i was gonna go until i was at Newman with Ro. So we were in the kitchen starvin looking for food when we found the spaghetti left over from the TJ dinner. I scooped some noodles into a bowl and freakin before I could put the sauce in, Ro was like, "oh bennn, we should totally go to the Mga Kapatid FATDs. I was like, "heyck yah!" but being the thrifty filipinos we are, we didn't wanna pay the $5 fee to get in, so we decided to buy soda to bring instead cuz its free when u bring a food item. Shoot, Derrick was in the Center and he was like, "yeahh goshh, and RiteAid is having a sale on sodas, goshhh." So we tell Arnell bout the lechon and we drag Grace & Derrick along... haha, he was the only white guy there haha... and it was great cuz we taught him to say "Pinoy na Pinoy Ako" ("I am soo Filipino")... or "Pinay na Pinay, rather" hehehe. So we get there, with like, freakin 12 gallons of Rite-Aid soda... and we got there EARLY! I tell ya, they said it was gonna start @ 5:32... but i shoulda known better than to arrive on the dot cuz it was totally filipino time and we didnt eat till like, 6:32pm. So we met up with Joni and Isabella over there.. and awww man, the food was awesome... masarap.. super sarap! They had this flip-am fuzion thing goin.. like cinnamon puto! damn i was totally trippin out over that. Ro was like, "what the heck!?" hahaha it was great. God grant me the patience before I kill my apartment-mates. ooooooo I am this - close to burning my apartment down or somethin. No, first, I'm going to take the pile of dishes in the sink and use them as projectiles into the parking lot. Then I'm gonna put a guillotine pendulum device in the toilet. grr.. this apt will never get clean!!! When people come back here from Thanksgiving Break, I hope they don't expect their keys to open the front door.~ dimanche, novembre 21, 2004 ~ I need something to look forward to, something to live for. I need to take a step back and reexamine my priorities. I have a feeling that its kinda messed up right now. I'm living day to day without cause. I'm not enjoying college as much as before and my friends are there but I don't really care. Classes are dragging on & on & on. Newman, as awesome as it is, is becoming too heavy. I can't believe I spent 13 hours at Newman the other day... I felt like it was a waste of time after the 7th hour.
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