~ °Café de Terrasse° ~The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass. | |
~ Salut! Come and join me at Table #12 |Leaving so soon? Ecrivez-Moi! ~ | |
~ samedi, février 08, 2003 ~ LOL... Well I finally talked my family into having French Dinner night at the Catabas Residence. Goodness, I think I am starting to regret it. Well okay, each one in my family was supposed to provide and prepare a French mark of cuisine. I brought the French Sheep's Feta Cheese. My mother went and purchased the French Cabarnet Sauvignon Wine. My sister and brother are making Petit Gâteau de Chocolat (chocolate brownies) but I think it's a German recipe. Anyway, my mother and father were supposed to be in charge of French beefsteaks but instead, they came back from shopping and brought home Cuisses de Grenouilles!!! For those of you who don't know, "Cuisses" means "Legs", "de" means "of" and "Grenouilles" means "Frogs". yes, you got it. I am appalled and rather impressed by my parents' sudden sense of French authenticity but ever since Biology class experiments, I... ugh. I can't do that. I think it's a bit too French for me. Actually, I would eat escargot but cuisses de grenouilles!? That's I dunno- fou? Well i guess this is what i get for suggesting French Night. I think we'll go Italian next time. grribit! ilck. haha. ugh.~ jeudi, février 06, 2003 ~ So hey everybody, 4-day weekend!!! Yay! Let's see, I have a driving thing tomorrow. But before that, I have to go to my doctor to get the last inoculation of my childhood days! It's the dreaded "Hepatitis A" shot... the most painful of all flesh-piercing, vein-entering, 1-inch-needle-with-a-tube-on-its-butt shots. I'm freaking out because I detest needles! Yet, I wanna go for acupuncture. My physical therapist, Merissa (She's soo cool) referred me to an acupuncturist. I'd go. They say it doesn't hurt at all. Anyway, back to my plans this weekend. Oh wait, I don't have any. Except for on Saturday when i get to go out with a friend. Then my Sunday is open, except for the sabbath hour. Monday's basically open. My secretaries (mother & Sonya) say that I have an open calendar after Saturday. So thatnk goodness, I may relax because my meteorologist buddies say that we are expecting rain. YAY!!! I love the rain. That atmosphere-cleansing, fresh-scenting, cool-crisping, romantic-sounding, air-refreshing state of moisture and water-droplets falling in the air. I love the rain and I love...~ mardi, février 04, 2003 ~ I think, if communication is the key to relationship, many of us are doomed. Wow, i've been reading my blog... those last few days sounded soo serious and sad. Goodness. Well i am in a rather happy mood right now. No, not really but anyway hehe, ummm people always say that blogging is not working and that is really true because you can't reveal too many of your deepest emotions. I think that another reason is you are making your blog for others to see. I mean, that's what it's for... you can write your feelings in a physical journal, or on any piece of paper but noooo, when you blog, you publish. You do just that, you publish. Sometimes, people blog to reveal themselves to some particular person. My blog started off as a means for me to share my semi-deep emotions with the world. Then it became directed towards the attention of three particular people. I wanted to impress. Hmm... so it kindof defeated its own purpose. But anyway, so blogging gets me into this mood. I don't know if anyone's reading this right now but if you are, thank you. I feel fine.~ lundi, février 03, 2003 ~ I feel like I can't talk to someone anymore. Shyness isn't that much of a problem with me anymore... except to those whom I met when I was totally shy. There are a few people I would like to converse with but I can't find myself to do it. If I haven't spoken to you in a long while except maybe for a simple "hi" when we are passing each other in hallways, you know who you are. I get crazy about things like this. It's like I have sooo mcuh to say to you and I really do but everytime I get the chance, eithre I'm off somewhere in a hurry, or my mind goes blank and I can't think, much less elocute all the things i wish to tell you. And now, I know what to do. I will do it. I have five months left and I'm not going to ditch that one last effort when I got a sign telling me a long time ago that someone still cares and I won't ignore it. It's better late than never, right? I sure hope you guys feel the same way. Nous n'avons pas quelque problems, mais le problemes que nous avons avec nos problemes.~ dimanche, février 02, 2003 ~ Hmmm... haha... I don't think "fakely" is a word. hmm... oh well. hehe Loss of innocence? It's a sad thing... but welcome to the world. Yeah, I lost it when I fell. Now I want to go back up but I can't. All i can do is try to get as high up as possible. Why does the world have to be such an un-innocent world? Thank goodness for the very few people who are still so. For those of you who have lost it, welcome to the real world which is really fake and fakely real.
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