~ °Café de Terrasse° ~The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass. | |
~ Salut! Come and join me at Table #12 |Leaving so soon? Ecrivez-Moi! ~ | |
~ vendredi, juin 20, 2003 ~ After arriving home this morning from 'Grad Nite' at Disneyland, I went into my kitchen and had a big dinner-breakfast type of meal. Then I went to sleep on my sofa with my blankie. I woke up a few hours ago and began to clean my room. That's when I noticed that I have two bottles of wine in the makeshift wine cellar of my chambre. I have a 1997 Valley Oaks Cabarnet Sauvignon & a 2000 Bordeaux Rouge. I wasn't really saving them for any specific occasion... except maybe for graduation. Now with that over with, I suppose I should open the Bordeaux Rouge but nobody else in my family drinks wine except my mother who is not too fond, and my friends either don't like alcohol or love it too much. Some of them drink the hard stuff, which I'm just not into at all. Many people have recommended to me that I drink a moderate glass of red wine everyday for health. It's even healthier than coffee, I must admit. I don't know what to do with these bottles now. It's beautiful weather for doing what Katy describes, "sitting outside in a comfy chair... with a good book and glass of wine swishing in... hand." The weather is drearily loverly... cloudy, misty, très romantique. But it's also sad weather for goodbyes and cleaning out backpacks. Graduation yesterday was a remarkable success! My digital pictures came out wonderfully. Ever since last night's all nighter though, my natural order and schedule is totally bizarred. I don't know whether I'm sleepy or energetic. I know for sure that I am starved so I'm off to partake in a lunch-dinner-supper type of meal. Mmmmmmm... maybe I shall season a chicken and bake it in red wine. And then perhaps I'll finish my bottle of 2000 Californian Merlot today... there's only a little left in there anyway. After, I can promenade over to Tannencrest and give the vin bottle to Sonya for her collection.~ jeudi, juin 19, 2003 ~ I'VE GRADUATED!!! CONGRADUATIONS TO THE DUARTE HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2003!!! Goodness!!! I was quietly reclining in bed and listening to music in my chambre a few minutes ago when suddenly it hit me... I'M GRADUATING TOMORROW!!! What have I been telling people!? I'm sooo NOT ready for any of this and i can't believe it but i feel like i think i'm hyperventilating right now i need to breathe in and out and in and out... because tomorrow is the end of it all... the official end of 12 years of my life and tomorrow is that last time i'll see people for sure and tomorrow is going to be one of the happiest and yet one of the saddest days of my entire life... my WHOLE life... and a person lives (at least this) life once and this is it... this is the rite of passage in my life that will last for all eternity... that's forever... that's a really long time. I really don't feel too good. In fact, I'm feeling a little nauseous... excuse me...~ mardi, juin 17, 2003 ~ I can't believe I was kicked off campus. It's all a strange irony- for three years, I've been wanting to get out of school but they wouldn't let me. Now I've been trying to stay in and they wouldn't let me. I can't say I miss school exactly... ok, maybe I do, sortof. It's an odd feeling indeed. So far, my vacation has been highly unproductive. Since classes have ended, I've been spending countless hours meandering, dawdling, pussyfooting, and dilly-dallying around. Today, I went to my alma mater and stupid security escorted* me off campus. I can bring up the fact that they are in violation of federal law but poor DHS would never be the same if I did. All I wanted to do was sit in the quad and watch my dear underclassmen friends go to their next classes. But nooooooo... Mr. No-seniors-on-campus wouldn't let me. Anyway, after I was so rudely thrown into the streets, I went to the local library and found out that I owed a fortune in overdue literature, so I skiddadled outta there while the guy at the counter went to the backroom for a while. I found myself at Starbucks- I've been there everyday this week so far. Yesterday, I was there for four hours. Today, I lounged for six and a half hours. I slept, wrote, read, and observed. I know the barista shift changes, their work schedules, their beverage-making procedures, and their inventory of supplies. I know when their busy hours are, their daily deliveries, their music album lineups, and so forth. How do I know all this? I make it all my business. haha... I listen in while they instruct the two new baristas in how things work around there. Yes, they have two new baristas... to replace Zack (a 2-yr employee of the Duarte Starbucks who's quitting next week). It's interesting what my life has become since classes have ended. It's perhaps a bit sad. Anyway, I now walk with a slight limp because of my newly-developed foot blisters. I was bored and decided to go for a walk- a nice, brisk, nonstop... 2-hour power walk... in boots. I went to Bradbury, down to Huntington, around the Duarte, and back. I'm starved. I haven't eaten nor drank yet anything except for a tall iced caramel macchiatto. You'd think I'm tired but I'm not. Goodness... nobody ever said end days would be like this... or maybe it's all just me?~ lundi, juin 16, 2003 ~ My Senior class and I had our first graduation ceremony practice this afternoon. I'm usually not one to complain about these things but I feel that something is terribly wrong with the procedure. It seems like our class has no style... it's an objectively boring march with a handshake, a turn, and a smile. It's sooo... usual. And we can't do anything different because they are checking that we don't bring anything with us to the ceremony and they've pre-arranged the processes. We just march, stand, sit, stand, walk, handshake, change tassels, twist, walk, stand, sit, stand, clap, stand... And all in unison! I say that at the start of the ceremony, we should all run wild onto the field in our robes- just run out to a fast-paced "pomp and circumstance". I can't believe we didn't perform any senior pranks this year. And I was pretty sure we could have pulled off something BIG. I know that school pretty darn well- the faculty schedules, the school rules loopholes, the alarm systems, the unguarded entrances, the hiding spots, room access, etc. Quelle dommage. Oh well... but it's not too late to do anything. At my cousin's lycee, during the graduation ceremony, he and a couple of his buddies smuggled shaving cream into the auditorium and filled their hands with it. When it came time to shake the principle's hand, haha, well Mr. Principle's bizarre facial expressions were captured in the graduation photographs. Priceless. Another one of my cousins managed to replace his high school graduation music with a little music of his own. What can I say, I have a lot of pranksters in my family. I could be one of them if I wanted to but I think I have a bit too much at stake to pull off anything big. I come from a line of hoodlums. As a teen, my father used to make petite explosives and blow stuff up in the streets of the Philippine countryside- be it his sisters' dolls or waterbuffalo manure... terrible. Haha... My mother and my aunt once got too curious with matches and burned their Manila home down... even to this day, nobody knows who was responsible for that little incident. Anyway, back to graduation... Yeah, I think we need to do something. Not necessarily a prank... just something to define our senior class as OUR Senior Class. DHS c/o 2003!!!
I dreamt last night that Sonya, Justin, Gurpreet, and I were walking down a dreary pier late at night and we decided to follow a small crab as it skiddadled sideways and we all had a jolly good adventure. I just wanted to share that little experience. Anyway, I need to leave for the lycee soon because I haven't yet officially checked out. I need to obtain Dr. Brown's signature and to bring my Waiting for Godot book so that I can check out of high school. Only then might I acquire my graduation vestment and tickets. Goodness, my invitées don't even have tickets to the event. Disneyland rules for Grad night are terrible- it's taking the "ney" out of "Disneyland". No cameras with cases, no water bottles, no logos on clothing, no alcohol! Goodness. haha, well, I only jest about the alcohol part. But still, according to this ridiculously-dictioned papre, we are going to be separated into "male" and "female" lines when we get there... absolutely preposterous. At least we aren't being frisked. Oh no wait, we are! Damn Disney Dictators. Oh well. We'll figure out a way to get around it... we always do. haha... nous sommes tous hoodlums mais pas mals. Class of 2003 just has a problem with authoritative figures I guess... then again, what young people don't? I understand why all the precautions are there and all but I think there's a wall they just can't climb over, a ceiling they can't reach up to, and a floor they can't dig under. Je doute que that made any sense. Well I better get ready to go take a walk back to school now. I gots to express more goodbuys and take some pictures of difficult people so until next time, gbuy!
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