~ °Café de Terrasse° ~The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass. | |
~ Salut! Come and join me at Table #12 |Leaving so soon? Ecrivez-Moi! ~ | |
~ vendredi, mai 30, 2003 ~ I had oodles of fun at Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, CA today. But the day really ended far too soon than I had hoped. I wish I could've continued the evening somewhere but even now, I am rather pooped. I'm still a bit whippy but not overly so. I've come to the conclusion that the best number of people for a theme park adventure is six. Actually, Sonja told me that and i didn't believe her at first but her logic came out to be true. It's a number divisible by 2 & 3 as she said, and 4-2/ is not a problem eithre when it comes to ride seating arrangements. There isn't really a fixed number for anything but there are ideals when it comes to general occassions. Par example, café lounging is ideal for 1, 2, or 4 persons according to my experiences. It all depends of course, on the desired mood and the company. You could go out to Starbucks with 12-21 people and have oodles of amusement. There were some interesting people at the amusement park today... honestly, some were chouette, others were just annoying. I eavesdropped on some girl talking to her boyfriend about how one side of her hair was shorter than the other. He was bored until they got close. Then there was this other girl in the not-so-Japan,-Japan-Land who had huge rips on the back of her jeans like a bear got to her and from the way he treated her, it couldn't have been her bear, if you catch my drift. Magic mountain is honestly one of the most expensive tourist parks I have ever been to... $11 for medium burger w/ fries!? Goodness... I could've dined on hors d'oeuvres at La Parisienne for that price and I wouldn't have to deal with sour spoiled catsup and stale, scrawny fries. It was a huge rip off... bigger than the rips on that one girl's pants, I tell ya that. $4 for a caramel apple!? It's even more expensive than buying un bidon de coka (coke can) in Paris. Goodness... but I figured, when you're hungry, you just gots to eat. Overall, t'was an interesting experience and certainly a most enjoyable one that will go down in my own history book.~ jeudi, mai 29, 2003 ~ "Et le destinataire pour la plaque française de la récompense III est... Benjamin Catabas!" "Ahhhhhhh! Mon Dieu! Merci Beaucoup et Bien!" Je suis tres heureux et trés content que j'ai gagné la récompense pour mes efforts dans la langue de français! I really wished for a certificate of achievement and was honestly wondering how I managed to not attain one. It was a great surprise however that ever since Maivi was awarded the French plaque two years ago and Yesenia received the award last year, I only dreamed of succeeding their title until the reality of today. I congratulate all recipients of all awards and wish them all the best in life. Life is a wonderful thing and it really isn't these awards that make it that way. Recognition is like a birthday cake... there's something more important than the pastry and that is the Birthday itself. Our achievements and strengths aren't measured in the quantity of awards we get but in the quality of our efforts... especially those that go for a while unrewarded. Congrats to all of you who have recieved for you are ready to go onto a new chapter in life. And to all of you who have not yet received, remember that your efforts will never go unrewarded- you are ready to enjoy it with the turn of each page.~ mercredi, mai 28, 2003 ~ "If you got nothin to die for, then you got nothin to live for." I forget who said that but me thinks it to be the truest troth. A person can't enjoy life if there's nothing about it to enjoy. It's a matter of goals... and not just those huge, long-term, i'm-gonna-do-this-or-be-this-someday type of goals; but I'm talking about the small, short-term, i'm-gonna-do-this-tomorrow goals. Those little things you want to do tomorrow... like reading a page from your wonderful new novel, or saying hello to that special someone in the campus halls, or going to Starbucks for an iced espresso beverage, and on and on... Complete this phrase: MY PERSONAL GOAL FOR TOMORROW IS: _______(fill in this blank)_______. Try to figure the biggest goal you have to achieve tomorrow. When you achieve it, smile because you lived for it and you can live for more the day after, the day after that, and so on. And don't let it be just a boring school goal like "to finish all my homework" because are you really willing to live that one day for homework!? Unless you are some school freak, make it a personal one- for your guide, for your pleasure, for yourself.~ dimanche, mai 25, 2003 ~ Of all my experiences so far, I don't think I've ever enjoyed myself as much as I have this weekend. Prom 2003 was soooooooooooo much fun! I really don't know if I'm going to be able to blog about all the fun I had because there was so much going on and so much happening, and sooo many emotions stirring... I just got back from my Prom. Congratulations to RJ for being crowned Prom King. Maridelle picked me up yesterday morning and we all rendez-vous'd at chez Ingrid. Lots of pictures taken. We then drove on Westward to Newport Beach and checked into our hotel. More pictures. Alvin & I went exploring the Plaza. We got back and went to Prom. Much fun there. Many, many pictures taken. Many memories made. We went on a yacht ride. After "land ho", we got off, danced a bit, and had characture drawings done. Ended the night, went back to the hotel and took a nice evening walk. Awww, poor Sonya had to leave. I'm sorry Sonya. Lisa, Justin & I watched Backdraft as the ppl in the other room did their thing. Arbor Mist is just like carbonated punch. Word of advice to everyone- Don't drink it when it's warm... ilck. Anyway, even a laundrylist of events is making this post too long... so to cut it short, we went to the beach this morning, then went to Downtown Disney... oodles of funny fun fun... PROM 2003... my first and my last, my very best one. I have pictures!!! ;)
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