~ jeudi, août 07, 2003 ~
Today's salad run was a huge success! And success never tasted so good!!! I've been having the cruellest craving for greens since I tasted David's sister's subtle lemon salad. I dear say Vivian is a very good home-style cook. Everytime I go to the Lopezes, I'm always subjected to food. Anyway, today I went to the local producerie and picked out some fine, fairly hardy, cool-tempered summer vegetables. I needed lettuce. I was actually surprised to see such a wide variety. There was iceburg crisphead lettuce, green towers romaine lettuce, grand rapids greenleaf lettuce, and red fire red leaf lettuce. I didn't know which to choose so I chose them all. So there I was, with four different types of lettuce and I decided to pick up three limes while I was at it. Later at home, I mixed all the ingredients for the salad including my home-made dressing. Tossed together with chopped mangos and onions, it was rather delicious. If you'd like a recipe for lime twist salad, e-mail me at wearytraveler@hotmail.com.
I saw Elise and Katrina at the local park today. Thought I'd point that out for anybody who cares. I know I do. I haven't talked to them for a long while, especially Elise. Very intresting people indeed.
In other news, I'm getting shot tomorrow. Boo!!! Yes, boo indeed. I think it's for another one of them Hepatitises... Hepatitis Q or whatever.
Argh. I'm having a argeumentative conversation with Sonya right now about the Star Wars films. If you were to show all the Star Wars films ever made, wouldn't it make sense to start with Star Wars first and end with Episode 2 last? I mean, even though Episode 1 is episode 1, you really need the background information in Star Wars to understand some things in Episode 1. It's just the way things are- Lucas was a genious like that.
~Benjamin 8/07/2003 11:52:00 PM
~ mercredi, août 06, 2003 ~
▒▓ Sous le dôme épais où le blanc jasmin, under the dome of white jasmine- my favourite fleur from one of my favourite compositions. Yesternight, i had some sampaguitas in my hands and they were so loverly and aromatique. So white. So humble. So beautiful. Reminds me of purity and innocence indeed. I wanted to show some to Sonja but she hasn't been online lately and i think she's on internetal probation since I suppose she came home tardily from casa de Lisa a few nights ago, or perhaps she can't log on until her perpetually messy bed chambre has been made up. Hmmm... I suppose I can call her but I don't do that sortof thing.
I went for a drive around the tri-city area with Andréa last night... I found it interesting to be re-acquainted with somebody whom I shared more than just an acquaintance with in the past. Life is too full of comings and goings. What you want to come always goes and what you want to go always comes... they come and go as they please. It's just ♠balance♠...one of the greatest forces of existance. Believe you me, I'm a libra.
I need to go college shopping soon, all I've is a folding seasonal hamper. I'm off to Bed, Bath and Beyond & Costco Wholesale hopefully soon. I wonder if there's a Costco around Sacramento and what it takes to become a member.
Sheesh, I've noticed that all my blog posts lately haven't been very intresting. Oh well, I think that if something happens, and it's special to you, then it's blogworthy indeed. I mean, who is really supposed to benefit from blogging- the bloggers or the bloggees? (err... the blog readers?)
~Benjamin 8/06/2003 01:22:00 AM
~ dimanche, août 03, 2003 ~
We just dropped my cousin off at the airport today. He'll be back for Thanksgiving. Awww, so will I.
~Benjamin 8/03/2003 01:09:00 AM