~ °Café de Terrasse° ~The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass. | |
~ Salut! Come and join me at Table #12 |Leaving so soon? Ecrivez-Moi! ~ | |
~ vendredi, avril 11, 2003 ~ hehehe... I've just returned from my first behind-the-wheel drivers' training session. It went rather well except for a little turn that almost ended in disaster. I was turning left... for the first time in my entire life, and suddenly, I found myself in a strange, unnatural position. I turn to my instructor, Joe, and he's like, "You are on the wrong lane. You are going the wrong way!" I didn't know what to do because there was this car in the way and I couldn't get back left. Suddenly, headlights are getting bigger and bigger right in front of me and i wanted to panic. Joe's like, "Turn back to the right lane. There's a car coming at you. It's a POLICE CAR!!! TURN OUT NOW!!!" My instincts went to work and at the second-to-the-last second, I slowed down and went to the next lane. It was a close one. We had to pull over to the curb and take a few minutes to breathe. The officer didn't stop us, thank goodness. Oh yeah... I also almost hit a man too. haha. There was this guy on the curb just minding his own business and I come along with my uncontrolled 12 mph parking lot speed and Joe's like, "Don't hit the man. Don't hit that man. DON'T HIT THAT MAN!" Hmm... so I didn't hit him. Sheesh... drama behind the wheel. At the end of all this, my instructor told me, "You are one of the best new drivers I have ever seen. You should see what some of my other students have done." Apparently, he's had students driving on curbs and sidewalks, and students who have actually hit things. Sheesh people, Learn to drive!!! lol~ jeudi, avril 10, 2003 ~ Darn you Sonya!!! You stole Sammie! You better remember to give him his bunny vitamins every night! And don't you dare try to indoctrinate him with your radical right-wing poison eithre! Hmmm... oh hello there, readers. Please excuse my outburst... My bunny has been stolen by a Dr. Laura sympathizer. Hmmm... So anyway, today has been wonderful for many reasons. Hmmm... I had a nice talk with my Economics instructor, I love the topic we are covering in AP Government (Foreign Policy!), I got to finally try unleavened(whatever that means) Jewish Kosher Matzo bread. It's rather good! There was a yearbook pot luck at lunch... mmmm... chile, brownies, smoothies, pancit, and thank goodness someone brought fruit! Then after school, I went off to watch the swim meet vs. Sierra Vista High. CONGRATS TO DHS! ooh... I got to drink Starbucks today! Thanks to the kind people that took my order. I got a wheresgeorge.com bill. I recieved a "welcome" telephone call from UC Davis. I found out that I get to read a bible reading at my aunt's wedding... the list goes on. Well, I'm too tired to write the rest right now so good night folks! Sometimes it takes a realization of inner beauty to realize somebody's outer beauty.~ mercredi, avril 09, 2003 ~ Another solution to a terrible conflict. Thank goodness for understanding people. You see, I was supposed to be a chief counselor for a camping trip this weekend where I was supposed to teach little children about outdoor survival. Well I planned all the camping stuff I was supposed to do. Then i realized that 12 April sounded like a familiar date. Then it hit me. That is supposed to be the date of my aunt's wedding! Goodness, and I was supposed to be part of the offeratory entourage. So they were gonna happen on the same day and I didn't know what to do. After much thoughts, i came to the conclusion that I can attend both half and half. So I'll miss 1/2 of the camp trip and 1/2 of the wedding. I'm not sure that's a good thing really, especially if I have to arrive at the Church late. Hmmm. But at least the Camp leader understands and my Aunt understands. Now I'm worried about the priest because kind Father's been known to get angry in the middle of matrimonial rites. Eeeeew. Well, we'll see how it all turns out d'accord? Well that has been another totally useless blog of the day. Have a good evening and good night.~ mardi, avril 08, 2003 ~ Well now... I finally finished cleaning my Chambre!!! It took two days but thank goodness the vacuum cleaner came through. Ah, there is nothing like the feel of new, clean beadsheets against your legs lol... and your arms under a new cold, crisp pillow. Oooh, and breathing in dust-free cool air, carrying the light scent of freshly ground coffeebeans as you sleep. Soft, light classical music in the background. Soon, I'm off to bed with a teacup in one hand and a nice notebook to write poems in my other. Ah, I have to stop describing this over and over in my blog... but I can't help it... It's just sooo my ideal of the almost-parfait situation for sleep. I say almost perfect because nothing is ever perfect but sometimes, you can come close enough. It doesn't matter how much you strove for perfection. All that matters is that you learned truth in trying. Well I'm off to complete a bit more work for my AP Government class, then it's off to bed I go. Good night tlm! Sleep tight but not too tight! Don't let the bed bugs bite and lick!~ dimanche, avril 06, 2003 ~ Bah... I feel soo... as if I haven't done anything today. I've been working on a personal craft project here in my library for the past 7 hours and I haven't begun any homework nor finished any of my Spring cleaning. ugh. Ahora que? I hope Mr. Flores, my AP Gov. instructor doesn't yell at us tomorrow. I'll see about getting started on things so I'll blog more later. Until then, g'buy 4 now folks!
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