~ °Café de Terrasse° ~

The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass.
~ Salut! Come and join me at Table #12 |Leaving so soon? Ecrivez-Moi! ~
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~ you think you're helping me but you're just making things worse. torture. ~
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~ samedi, septembre 10, 2005 ~

Ken & I have just returned from one of our legendary shopping trips... oh, and what a trip it was. We left with the intention of purchasing a simple $65 vacuum & came back with over $200+ worth of food, home decor, food, game items, & food... oh yeah, and food.
We started off at Costco and neither of us had valid Costco membership cards... so we could get in but we couldn't get out. I was eyein' food deals while Ken kept his peepers on the lookout for anybody we could possibly know.. the goal was to convince somebody to swipe their Costco card for us. We walked around the entire warehouse 4 times and our cart was getting more and more and more full. It was really FULL when we got to the book section for the 4th time and we were convinced that everybody we knew shopped at the Sacramento Costco & not the Vacaville one. So we held up cookbooks pretending to read them intently but secretly, we were really on the lookout for friendly-faced people who would take pity on our awkward predicament. We must've looked like swindlers or something. Finally we asked this middle-aged couple to swipe us in and they totally fell for it... I mean, kindly obliged! Bless their souls.
We left Costco, saw a store called WinCo, had no idea what it was and were like, "let's go!" so off we go'd... and bought more stuff... it was all grocery... and basically anything in a colorful package that caught our eyes somehow made it into the cart.
We left WinCo, went to Best Buy to buy a vacuum as we had originally planned to do. Instead, we found our way to the freezer section, asked the worker about their line of freezers and did some pricing. We were this close to buying a freezer -> (-) ! But we decided we had no room in the apartment for one... at least not yet. So we bought the vacuum, left Best Buy, and drove home.
But first... since we were passing by, we couldn't help but stop by WalMart.. after all, it was on the way! I mean, c'mon. So there, we bought randoum stuff that we totally didn't need like poker chips, matching bath towels, candles galore, and other home decor items. Ken also made some very interesting investments in the crane game industry to add to his portfolio... turned out to be a bear market. Stupid WalMart crane game cranes don't close right! All we wanted was a stuffed alien as seen in Toy Story™!! Bahh, don't ever play the crane games @ WalMart in Dixon! They're just money traps... rigged I tell ya.
So that was yet again, another of our legendary shopping trips... minus Staples & Dollar Tree cuz they were closed & we couldn't get in, no matter how hard we tapped the windows. We're planning those for another trip. Now I need to work extra hard to make up for what I spent today. Shameful, absolutely shameful.
By the way, out of curiosity, does anybody have a Sam's Club membership???

~Benjamin 9/10/2005 11:47:00 PM
~ jeudi, septembre 08, 2005 ~
I am an insomniac. I must be... there's no other way of explaining it... it's 4:32am and I'm still awake.. and I've been doing this for the past few days... I just can't fall asleep. I'm watching the Home Shopping Network and I really want to purchase the 43-dollar Bravetti 6-Speed Electric Hand Mixer for the special low price of $20... it's a kitchen must-have indeed.
I don't have much on my mind... I just can't sleep. I don't want to take sleeping pills though because I don't mess with that sort of stuff. This is also my third cup of chamomile tea and it's not doing anything for me except for the occasional skip to my loo my darlin.

I don't like the attitudes of bossy people. I'm not particularly fond of people who let power soak up their minds and spoil them from the inside. I don't like being overlooked and ignored. I like to feel that I have a place and that I have something unique to offer towards a cause. I like feeling like I have a purpose in whatever situation I'm in. just a thought.

~Benjamin 9/08/2005 04:33:00 AM
~ mercredi, septembre 07, 2005 ~
After an awesome trip in Florida, I am back in Davis. I've moved into my new apartment and things are just dandy. Mary Catherine is living with us for a few weeks until she finds employment and a place of her own... it's cool but I think I'm trying way to hard to make the place an enjoyable stay. I like visitors... especially ones that sleepover. When I was a kid, my fam would occasionally have relatives & friends sleepover at our house and i used to think that was soo awesomme.. i still do.
Sometimes, I dream of having a bed & breakfast or hotel or something like that... along a countryside or overlooking a metropolis. It'd be a home-y place where people could stay & well, I'm sure passionate innkeepers can relate.
I always thought about not being a busy person, having a place where people could just walk in anytime and stay for as long as they wish.. providing of course that they were agreeable people. Maybe that's subconsciously why I don't often lock my doors to my place. A place for friends to pop in and out, not to mention, up.
Maybe I'm looking for something else... desperate for some sort of something like a dog thirsting for a jog.

~Benjamin 9/07/2005 02:18:00 AM

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En memoire de Floy Catabas (1932-2002)