~ °Café de Terrasse° ~

The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass.
~ Salut! Come and join me at Table #12 |Leaving so soon? Ecrivez-Moi! ~
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~ vendredi, décembre 13, 2002 ~

Tonight, I shall never forget the time I spent my first Christmas with friends... my friends in the Yearbook Staff!!! Now I feel the need to thank each of you individually for helping to make my first Christmas kickoff a joyful event that I will hold dear to me forever... Thank you Justin! I'll never forget the time we were looking through that one photography book! Thank you Sonja! (Okay everyone, stop "whoo" ing). I'll never forget the time you finally caught up with my pace as we walked to Paseo Colorado. Thank you Lisa! I'll never forget our escalator trip together, up and down the Paseo Colorado parking structure. Thank you Cassandra! I'll never forget our photo shoot at the big balls... haha! Thank you Katrina! I'll never forget our little escapades in Victoria's Secret... (a really fun place haha). Thank you Gurpreet! I'll never forget our time together, wandering Barnes and Nobles in search for.. well you know. Thank you Roxanne! I'll never forget your many heartwarming laughs and your high-spirited nature throughout dinner and our promenade. Thank you Amber! I'll never forget that last moment of time we had to spend, when waiting for your mother, who arrived a bit too soon. Thank you Mlle. Pulido! I'll never forget the conversation you initiated on you know... oh heck, they're only breasts!!! haha... ewww... that didn't sound right. Anyway, the point that I'm trying to convey is that I shall always remember all of you and the things about each of you that make being with you guys, special with every second we share. Merry Christmas!!!

~Benjamin 12/13/2002 11:41:00 PM
Guess what you guys... Today is Friday the thirteenth!!! Yet, I've had one of the best days ever! I can't describe this feeling... I'm just sorry that it had to end. This evening was the Yearbook Christmas Party and I will never forget it. I love Olde Town, Pasadena, and I love the weather, but most of all, I love the company I was with. This experience was truly one of those moments that I will never forget. No way to describe it... absolutely no way... =)

~Benjamin 12/13/2002 11:40:00 PM
~ jeudi, décembre 12, 2002 ~
Argh! Even her presence seems to bother me now. All I can hear is her petite, humble laugh and her sweet, innocent "hi"'s and all I can think about is that time when we met. I can't bear to hear my past in the timid little giggles of that jeune dame. But the way she looks at me, those looks of peculiarity, like I'm a strange... cup of coffee... It's as if she were staring at an imbacile, or sometimes, as if she were looking at me with contempt. Or what about when she sees me walking down the halls... I can feel her eyes freezing a cap over the side of my head... I just pretend not to notice because all she can do is look and I look back, and our eyes meet, and we would have that 1/12th of a second to speak to each other and she would look away and I would be left alone again and all I can feel is this stupid feeling like I had done something wrong and she made me do it. I want to know what goes through her mind, but nobody ever knows what's going through my mind and because of it, I've already lost myself.

~Benjamin 12/12/2002 08:05:00 PM
~ mardi, décembre 10, 2002 ~
I wonder why the world seems to detest happy people soo much? Since when did happy peppy become such a bad quality, almost a sin? Is it because everyone else feels sooo terrible? Since when did people start hating other people for being "happy peppy happy hoopy hoo"? Hmmm... It makes me wonder what this world is coming to...

~Benjamin 12/10/2002 06:08:00 PM
Why does it hurt so much to fall in love? You just want to laugh and cry at the same time. It's so easy to fall in love but so hard to find someone who will catch you.

~Benjamin 12/10/2002 09:36:00 AM
Jostens is on campus today... I don't think I'll be getting my ring.. I'll just wait until college. Anyway, Fatima! I'm sooo sorry about your little, mishap. I'm sorry to be so morbid but according to a recent study, there has been a sharp increase in platform-shoe related injuries and deaths!
"Yes, shoes have been a major cause of disfigurement and discomfort for centuries. In Japan, there has been recent talk of banning the wearing of the popular ultra-high platform shoes while driving following a rash of auto deaths by women who were "driving while stylish." The three to eight inches of foam, wood, cork or other sole material leaves the driver's foot so removed from the pedals that the gas pedal is often mistaken for the brake, resulting in a glamorous car wreck.
One platform-wearing Japanese nursery-school teacher fell over, cracked her skull and died. Emma Bunton (a.k.a. Baby Spice, whose last name too closely resembles "bunion") sprained her ankle in her signature elevated soles. Injuries related to tall shoes run the gamut from dislocated knees to strained back muscles. Fatima K., a local high school student..."

~Benjamin 12/10/2002 09:12:00 AM
~ dimanche, décembre 08, 2002 ~
After reading my blogs, I find that I tend to digress and go off on tangents... does that seem so to you? I'm not Mr. Flores but goodness...

~Benjamin 12/08/2002 02:53:00 PM
Hello... thank goodness i finally got my internet back... damn cable company... I didn't know that we were only leasing the cable modem from them... so I went out and bought one...
Anyway, Christmas is coming and it's going to be a hectic, yet fun-filled season. Just like last year, I have a party to go to every week... I went to one last night, I have one on Wednesday, one on Friday, another on Saturday, a half Birthday, half Christmas party on Sunday, I have Christmas parties the Friday and the Saturday after that... plus later, a New Year's Party. Now, okay, all of you are probably thinking... "Why is this lucky son-of-a-mother-&-a-father complaining?" Well, it's not like all of the parties are fun... they're mostly my parents' friend's parties. And while they're singing and praying, then gambling, I'm usually sitting in the corner, stuffing my mouth with ham and fruit cake (not at the same time though), observing them, or exploring their house. Hehe... I'm nosy sometimes. Anyway, I just want to spend more time this year, with my friends... I've never spent a Christmas season with friends before... that's the honest truth. I just want to dedicate this season to all the people who are leaving at the end of the schoolyear... I just want one week with friends... to go to Starbucks and chat, the big city to see a show, to the fancy restaurants to get fat, the cities' shopping districts to spend some $$$, or whatever, instead of just sitting in the home of a man named Bhoy, in a room upstairs, watching the mean little kids play video games. Although i must admit, house snooping is an interesting Filipino pasttime along with chismis (gossip)... but once i walked in on something I wish I'd never seen...

~Benjamin 12/08/2002 02:48:00 PM

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En memoire de Floy Catabas (1932-2002)