~ °Café de Terrasse° ~

The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass.
~ Salut! Come and join me at Table #12 |Leaving so soon? Ecrivez-Moi! ~
As of right now, patrons have patronized me.
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08/25/2002 - 09/01/200209/01/2002 - 09/08/200209/08/2002 - 09/15/200209/15/2002 - 09/22/200209/22/2002 - 09/29/200209/29/2002 - 10/06/200210/06/2002 - 10/13/200210/13/2002 - 10/20/200210/20/2002 - 10/27/200210/27/2002 - 11/03/200211/03/2002 - 11/10/200211/10/2002 - 11/17/200211/17/2002 - 11/24/200211/24/2002 - 12/01/200212/01/2002 - 12/08/200212/08/2002 - 12/15/200212/15/2002 - 12/22/200212/22/2002 - 12/29/200212/29/2002 - 01/05/200301/05/2003 - 01/12/200301/12/2003 - 01/19/200301/19/2003 - 01/26/200301/26/2003 - 02/02/200302/02/2003 - 02/09/200302/09/2003 - 02/16/200302/16/2003 - 02/23/200302/23/2003 - 03/02/200303/02/2003 - 03/09/200303/09/2003 - 03/16/200303/16/2003 - 03/23/200303/23/2003 - 03/30/200303/30/2003 - 04/06/200304/06/2003 - 04/13/200304/13/2003 - 04/20/200304/20/2003 - 04/27/200304/27/2003 - 05/04/200305/04/2003 - 05/11/200305/11/2003 - 05/18/200305/18/2003 - 05/25/200305/25/2003 - 06/01/200306/01/2003 - 06/08/200306/08/2003 - 06/15/200306/15/2003 - 06/22/200306/22/2003 - 06/29/200306/29/2003 - 07/06/200307/06/2003 - 07/13/200307/13/2003 - 07/20/200307/20/2003 - 07/27/200307/27/2003 - 08/03/200308/03/2003 - 08/10/200308/10/2003 - 08/17/200308/17/2003 - 08/24/200308/24/2003 - 08/31/200308/31/2003 - 09/07/200309/07/2003 - 09/14/200309/14/2003 - 09/21/200309/21/2003 - 09/28/200309/28/2003 - 10/05/200310/05/2003 - 10/12/200310/12/2003 - 10/19/200310/19/2003 - 10/26/200310/26/2003 - 11/02/200311/02/2003 - 11/09/200311/16/2003 - 11/23/200311/23/2003 - 11/30/200311/30/2003 - 12/07/200312/07/2003 - 12/14/200312/14/2003 - 12/21/200312/21/2003 - 12/28/200312/28/2003 - 01/04/200401/04/2004 - 01/11/200401/11/2004 - 01/18/200401/18/2004 - 01/25/200401/25/2004 - 02/01/200402/01/2004 - 02/08/200402/08/2004 - 02/15/200402/15/2004 - 02/22/200402/22/2004 - 02/29/200402/29/2004 - 03/07/200403/07/2004 - 03/14/200403/14/2004 - 03/21/200403/21/2004 - 03/28/200403/28/2004 - 04/04/200404/04/2004 - 04/11/200404/11/2004 - 04/18/200404/18/2004 - 04/25/200404/25/2004 - 05/02/200405/02/2004 - 05/09/200405/09/2004 - 05/16/200405/16/2004 - 05/23/200405/23/2004 - 05/30/200405/30/2004 - 06/06/200406/06/2004 - 06/13/200406/13/2004 - 06/20/200406/20/2004 - 06/27/200406/27/2004 - 07/04/200407/04/2004 - 07/11/200407/18/2004 - 07/25/200408/08/2004 - 08/15/200408/15/2004 - 08/22/200408/22/2004 - 08/29/200408/29/2004 - 09/05/200409/05/2004 - 09/12/200409/12/2004 - 09/19/200409/19/2004 - 09/26/200409/26/2004 - 10/03/200410/03/2004 - 10/10/200410/10/2004 - 10/17/200410/17/2004 - 10/24/200410/24/2004 - 10/31/200410/31/2004 - 11/07/200411/07/2004 - 11/14/200411/14/2004 - 11/21/200411/21/2004 - 11/28/200411/28/2004 - 12/05/200412/05/2004 - 12/12/200412/12/2004 - 12/19/200412/19/2004 - 12/26/200401/02/2005 - 01/09/200501/09/2005 - 01/16/200501/16/2005 - 01/23/200501/23/2005 - 01/30/200502/06/2005 - 02/13/200502/13/2005 - 02/20/200502/20/2005 - 02/27/200503/06/2005 - 03/13/200503/13/2005 - 03/20/200503/20/2005 - 03/27/200503/27/2005 - 04/03/200504/10/2005 - 04/17/200504/17/2005 - 04/24/200504/24/2005 - 05/01/200505/01/2005 - 05/08/200505/15/2005 - 05/22/200505/22/2005 - 05/29/200505/29/2005 - 06/05/200506/05/2005 - 06/12/200506/12/2005 - 06/19/200506/26/2005 - 07/03/200507/03/2005 - 07/10/200507/10/2005 - 07/17/200507/17/2005 - 07/24/200507/24/2005 - 07/31/200507/31/2005 - 08/07/200509/04/2005 - 09/11/200509/11/2005 - 09/18/200509/25/2005 - 10/02/200510/02/2005 - 10/09/200510/09/2005 - 10/16/200510/16/2005 - 10/23/200510/30/2005 - 11/06/200511/06/2005 - 11/13/200511/20/2005 - 11/27/200511/27/2005 - 12/04/200512/04/2005 - 12/11/200512/18/2005 - 12/25/200512/25/2005 - 01/01/200601/08/2006 - 01/15/200601/22/2006 - 01/29/200601/29/2006 - 02/05/200602/26/2006 - 03/05/200603/26/2006 - 04/02/200604/02/2006 - 04/09/200604/09/2006 - 04/16/200604/16/2006 - 04/23/200604/30/2006 - 05/07/200605/14/2006 - 05/21/200605/21/2006 - 05/28/200605/28/2006 - 06/04/200606/11/2006 - 06/18/200606/25/2006 - 07/02/200607/02/2006 - 07/09/200607/09/2006 - 07/16/200607/16/2006 - 07/23/200607/23/2006 - 07/30/200607/30/2006 - 08/06/200608/06/2006 - 08/13/200608/13/2006 - 08/20/200608/20/2006 - 08/27/200608/27/2006 - 09/03/200609/03/2006 - 09/10/200609/10/2006 - 09/17/200609/17/2006 - 09/24/200610/01/2006 - 10/08/200610/08/2006 - 10/15/200610/15/2006 - 10/22/200611/05/2006 - 11/12/200611/12/2006 - 11/19/200611/19/2006 - 11/26/200611/26/2006 - 12/03/200612/03/2006 - 12/10/200612/24/2006 - 12/31/200601/07/2007 - 01/14/200701/14/2007 - 01/21/200701/28/2007 - 02/04/200702/18/2007 - 02/25/200703/25/2007 - 04/01/200707/08/2007 - 07/15/200710/14/2007 - 10/21/200712/16/2007 - 12/23/200702/03/2008 - 02/10/2008
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~ you think you're helping me but you're just making things worse. torture. ~
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~ samedi, octobre 15, 2005 ~

What an awesome birthweek!! So my actual birthday was October 12th (holla! ..uhh) but I had no way of celebrating it seeing as how it was on a Wednesday & I had two quizzes & study groups the next day.. but omg'ness, on Friday I went with Arnell & these two randoum girls to the Mondavi Center to watch "Yamato: The Drummers of Japan"... Taiko at one of it's finest!! It was an amazing experience!! Loud, thunderous, impresssive, hilarious! The beats were soo cool and there was an array of instruments, not just drums! I totally loved it.
Then just a few hours ago, my 15 friends & I drove an hour to Concord, CA to eat dinner at Todai's Japanese Seafood Restaurant. THE MOTHER OF ALL SEAFOOD BUFFETS! I loove it!! If you've never been, you're missing out! We had to fast like, 7 hours before the meal to get our stomachs all prepared. Oh boy, do I loove green tea cake! Although, our bill was over $400.. we're gonna try one day to get it up to $1000 one day. haha
Good friends, even better food, and.. no wait that sounded wrong... great food, wayy awesome friends, and uber fun... what an awesommeeee birthweek!... and yo, it aint ova yet!!
I get to give a tour in a few hours and watch sex at church!! (it's actually a long uninteresting story & your imaginations are probably what makes reading this worthwhile so I won't explain it.) Ohhh baby, holla!

~Benjamin 10/15/2005 03:49:00 AM
~ vendredi, octobre 14, 2005 ~

LEAH; 20
NEIL; 2-
MARY; ??

~Benjamin 10/14/2005 11:59:00 PM

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En memoire de Floy Catabas (1932-2002)