~ °Café de Terrasse° ~The thoughts of an odd duck who sits alone in a night cafe, with a stylo in his right, a journal in his left, a valise under his chaise, a tasse on the table, and plenty of time to pass. | |
~ Salut! Come and join me at Table #12 |Leaving so soon? Ecrivez-Moi! ~ | |
~ samedi, septembre 14, 2002 ~ Sigh... what sort of emotion is this? It's like, somebody has control over what you feel. They decide if it's going to be a bad day or a good day. Isn't it weird? You probably have no idea what I'm talking about. You know... that feeling! O c'mon... well... I suppose it's indescribable... it's the feeling that you get everytime she passes you in the hallway... you know... you want her to notice you but you don't want her to see you. You want to look deeply into her eyes, but something holds you back. It's weird... you pass her and you wonder, "I wonder what she's thinking about. I wonder if she saw me." Now do you know what I'm talking about? Or how about, it's like, when you're in class... you can't help but stare at her when she's not looking. She looks up and you continue to look at her for that small fraction of a second. Then you look somewhere else, adjust your facial expression, and pretend to be concentrating on something else, at the same time, hoping that she's still looking at you. Oh goodness, it's like everywhere you see her, you yearn to talk to her but you feel like you aren't ready. You see her talking to someone else, wishing that that someone, were you. It's like, you see her online and you soooo eagerly wish she would IM you because you think that IM'ing her would annoy her. It's like, a simple hello always has to come with a smile. A simple smile, doesn't have to come with a hello. It's that feeling! You know? It's like, you want to give her a compliment every time you see her. It's like, you don't know where to look when she talks to you. It's like, you want to spend sooo much time with her but you don't want to overdo it. It's like, you only see her at school so that's the reason why you love Mondays and hate Fridays. It's like, you start the day with her in mind, and you end the day with her in your heart. It's like... you know... it's like, much more than just liking her... but you don't think that you truly love her... It's like... sigh.....................~ vendredi, septembre 13, 2002 ~ Here I am in my ROP Computer Applications Class. I'm supposed to be taking a test at this moment but... Oh well... It's too easy- I'm done... Oh my goodness!!! I still have a bit more to study for my AP Government exam today- Maybe I'll study in a few minutes but the bell for breaktime is supposed to ring in a few minutes. I don't care if the work in that class becomes overwhelming... I still love it. Hehehe... the girl sitting next to me is cheating on my paper but she doesn't think I see... hehe... They say that when you cheat, you're only cheating yourself. I actually started to feel guilty about cheating recently. Now when i cheat, I make sure to look over the answer after the test/work. It's like using the answers at the back of a math book. I look them up to cheat but then i go back into the reading and find out why the answer is like that. It's still cheating but it's cheating that kindof goes back against itself. Oh well... I'm about to get caught by my instructor right now... goodness... Alrighty! Wish me luck on my AP Gov test! A tout a l'heaure!~ jeudi, septembre 12, 2002 ~ "NOUS SOMMES TOUS AMERICAINS" = "WE ARE ALL AMERICANS" -Le Monde~ mercredi, septembre 11, 2002 ~ Have you heard the radio today? All over the news... all over the tv... you hear honors, criticisms, pride, and sympathy for all the events of this truly infamous date. Yes, September 11th... do I really have to say it? I cannot believe that it's been a year already! It is a day when the world was united over evil, alongside each other, and under Goodness. Today, I can't even say what i feel... I am not emotionless... in fact, I am emotionfull. I can't express myself through words so allow me to express myself through silence... I'll only say, God bless the victims, the heroes, the culprits, the U.S.A., and the world- May God Bless us all.~ mardi, septembre 10, 2002 ~ I feel odd now. I don't know what she's talking about... I'm no gentleman. I wish i were a gentleman though... I admire the people of that sort. I strive to be a gentleman but in the end, my acts just don't cut it. I mean goodness... a gentleman is a man who is "born with a gentle heart, lives with chivalrous ranks, and dies with modest honor." I don't think I have any of those qualities. I mean, wow... gentle heart? chivalry? honor? Seriously though... I always do things I regret, I'm always looking out for my own personal interests, I'm just sooo selfish, sooo annoying, sooo...ugh.... I get on my own nerves! Why am i telling everyone all of this? It's because I hope people don't start developing a great, wonderful view of me, only to be disappointed in knowing who I really am. Auctioning off cheerleaders? Hmmm... I don't know what to make of that. It's a good idea but... hmmm... won't it be a bit uncomfortable?... I mean... to find out what bidders think you're worth? "And next up... can i get a... Sold! for 71 cents!!!" Hmmm... oh well. Anyway, the luau dance was postponed... Mr Nichols strikes again. Oh well, I really don't have anything against him... but, I'm not too fond of him eithre. Oh well... whatever... Goodness... i is juss gettn ghettoer by da mins. How terrible... maybe it's because I go to DHS.... oh, whatever, alrighty... I'm just wasting my time and yours... I'm off to do some AP Government work... ciao! "This world is far too overpopulated with the wrong kind of people!"~ dimanche, septembre 08, 2002 ~ Okay, well I've just been reading other people's blogs. It seems that Justin's blog is the centerpoint for everyone else's blogs. Anyway, I read some really interesting things... very interesting... There is however, particularly one blog that stands out in my mind. It's a blog of a distressed teenager who has to deal with soo much inside and out... It's the blog of a nice girl who has a sweet and gentle nature but her innocence is being taken over by terrible thoughts. It's the blog of a person who is wonderfully special and unique, but people are trying to take that away from her. It's the blog of a pretty, young lady and everytime I look through my DHS yearbook, I turn to page 92 to see her beautiful smile, and the inside cover to read her message which always makes me feel sooo happy. It's the blog of a striving student of life who is spirited and caring, talanted in writing, carrot recipes, dancing, and much more! It's the blog of a young woman who still has her whole life ahead of her and the good times are yet to come. It's the blog of a dear person, a dear citizen, a dear friend, and above all, a dear creation of God who has many plans for her when she grows older... if she allows herself to grow older. I just spoke with her online this evening, not knowing what mood she was in until she signed off AIM and I read her blog. If she's reading this right now, I just want to say that I'd like to do whatever I can to help you and I'll always try to be here for you if you ever want somebody to talk to and listen. I'm praying for you and I wish you many blessings in life. It's the blog of somebody living in a pretend world but someday... someday, she won't have to pretend because of the difference between who people say she is and who she really is. Well I just came back from my cousin's wedding... It was sooo beautiful!!! After the wedding, we went cruising on a San-Francisco style trolley in Olde Town Pasadena and we stopped in the middle of Colorado Blvd. to take pictures...lol... we caused a mile-long traffic jam...haha... People started to gather in crowds and cheer... It was really fun! Then we went around South Pas and finally ended up in a reception at a nice little hilltop country club with a spectacular view of the city. There was a breathtaking sunset and the evening sky was just stunning. Awww... some guy stole the garter from me after the toss... oh well... the bouquet girl was too old anyway. So yeah... the reception was fun... Goodness, I wonder how my wedding'll be...
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