~ vendredi, janvier 17, 2003 ~
oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my... GOODNESS!!! Winter Formal is less than 24 hours away!!! What am i going to do!?! I just found out that I don't have a vest and I'm sooo not going to wear a cummerbund (I can't stand those things). Oh msheesh, my worst problem right now is that I have no ride! I have absolutely no way of getting there unless my mother takes me but then, I would have no way of getting back and I'll have to walk. I don't know how far it is though but I think it might be too far because Alhambra seems like a far place. Anyway, I really am serious about that. I sooo need to learn how to drive... I mean, legally, that is..hehe. But seriously though, how on earth am I getting there!? If I can't find a way, i probably just won't go. I would sooo love to see my first and last Winter Formal though.
~Benjamin 1/17/2003 09:27:00 PM
~ jeudi, janvier 16, 2003 ~
I feel much better... thank you Sonya! Thank you Sameea! thank you Elise! thank you... goodness, i forget your name but you're in MUN... well anywho, THANK YOU!!!
~Benjamin 1/16/2003 08:59:00 PM
~ mardi, janvier 14, 2003 ~
My high school systems are failing! Allow me to give some observations from some of my experiences... It takes seven people to open a restroom. I went to the Westside restroom and it was locked so I went to the office and they told me to find security. I found a security guard and he didn't have a key so he referred me back to the office, where I talked to an administrator. He called security, who in turn called a janitor. The janitor didn't have a key so he had to call another janitor. Finally, a restroom was opened... the Eastside restroom!
It takes 12+ minutes to obtain a band aid. Yesterday, I had a huge papercut. I go to Ms. Key, Mr. Kennedy, and Mr Flores. They don't have first aid kits! I am referred to the office but they don't know where their first aid kit is! I am referred to the nurse's station. The nurse was mysteriously missing and I wait in the office for seven minutes before she reappears. I have to wait again because she has to deal with a suspension of a sophomore (Isn't that an administrator's job?). Finally, i get a bandaid from a drawer in the administration desk.
The Detention System is failing! I am called to the office where a T.A. assigns me Saturday school for apparently not showing up to detention in December, when i know I did. I am asked to prove it. I look for my name in the detention log but I think a page was missing! I am sent back to class to get my pink detention slip (I keep all those records now). Unfortunately, the detention officer did not sign my slip! I show the slip to the Office assisstant and he doesn't know what to do. I am told to double check the detention log but Dr. Martinez has taken it and when I recieve it, I verify the lack of my name. I plead a verbal voucher from the new security guard and the office assisstant turns to Ms. Frye, who lets me off the hook.
Other DHS observations of mine: It takes three lunch servers to verify the authenticity of a five-dollar bill. It was a real bill but still, it was not accepted. It takes three school departments to verify my attendance status: The Attendance, Student Services, and Administration Departments. It takes several days before the restroom paprer towel and soap dispensers are refilled. It takes three departments to run off xerox copies for a class.
Did everything fall apart after WASC visited!?!?!? I'm not criticizing the faculty but the systems because frankly... they suck. I do find it very humourous, but when you have an 2 centimetre-wide cut on your hand or a filled bladder or a reputation to keep, you can't afford to go through all that bureaucracy.
~Benjamin 1/14/2003 10:02:00 PM